06-11-2016, 09:21 AM
(06-10-2016, 05:01 PM)anagogy Wrote: The spectrum of vibrations between red ray and violet ray is also a spectrum of uncertainty to absolute certainty.
Violet ray is one step beyond faith.
In faith, you absolutely BELIEVE, but in violet ray you KNOW, hence why Ra stated that the while both the indigo ray and violet ray equal openings to intelligent energy, in the indigo ray the veil is *still* intact, because believing, while very precious and powerful, is still not of the same degree of intensity as *knowingness*. In violet ray, you know you are the creator, hands down, no ifs ands or buts.
Perhaps this is why it is the 'body of completion'.
Crown chakra openings and activations have occurred almost daily for me since I started working on them, and in my experience the knowingness anagogy speaks of here is absolutely accurate. In order for me to feel that very distinct whole body tingle orgasm from above, this knowingness is always confirmed just prior in my mind.