A picture that emerges from the gospels and the Ra material about Jesus, once you get the popular, mainstream saintly and holier-than-thou image out of your head, which makes him even cooler to me personally, was that he was essentially a maverick, a rebel and a trouble maker. Being a rebel myself, I love that image, and it could not have been any other way, because a meek, fearful person would not have been able to turn the establishment on its head like he did. He constantly challenged authority.
I mean he challenged the rabbis in the temple at the age of 5, left his parents' house at 13 and disappeared to who knows where. Being as positive as he was, he must have a had great sense of humour, cracked jokes, laughed out loud, pranked people, and must have had a real lust for life, like anyone who has accessed intelligent infinity. Turning water into wine, striking up a conversation with the prostitute at the fountain to the chagrin of all bystanders, turning over the tables of the money changers in the temple, mingling with the lepers, that's someone I'd like to be friends with! It must have been an electrifying experience just to be in his presence. I have read that people experienced spontaneous enlightenment just by being in close proximity to Buddha (just as big a rebel, secretly fleeing the palace in the dead of night, without saying goodbye).
Jesus wasn't this monotone, tragic and depressing figure Christianity has changed him into, and our churches basically resemble a courtroom, with the minister dressed just like a judge, and the elders (jury) in their allocated slots, and everyone sitting on wooden benches in rows, facing him. No-one wants to be there, it's depressing. Jesus stood on a rock and taught, and walked amongst the people.
I mean he challenged the rabbis in the temple at the age of 5, left his parents' house at 13 and disappeared to who knows where. Being as positive as he was, he must have a had great sense of humour, cracked jokes, laughed out loud, pranked people, and must have had a real lust for life, like anyone who has accessed intelligent infinity. Turning water into wine, striking up a conversation with the prostitute at the fountain to the chagrin of all bystanders, turning over the tables of the money changers in the temple, mingling with the lepers, that's someone I'd like to be friends with! It must have been an electrifying experience just to be in his presence. I have read that people experienced spontaneous enlightenment just by being in close proximity to Buddha (just as big a rebel, secretly fleeing the palace in the dead of night, without saying goodbye).
Jesus wasn't this monotone, tragic and depressing figure Christianity has changed him into, and our churches basically resemble a courtroom, with the minister dressed just like a judge, and the elders (jury) in their allocated slots, and everyone sitting on wooden benches in rows, facing him. No-one wants to be there, it's depressing. Jesus stood on a rock and taught, and walked amongst the people.