Papercut Wrote:It seems to me that this cannot take action unless ones beliefs are allowing so.
This is a tricky one, because every singe person has guidance, even the ones who are "asleep". I have dreamed excessively all my life, and I usually have full recollection of my dreams upon waking up, but only in the last, say 6 years, have I really started paying attention to them, even 'asking' for guidance sometimes before going to bed. It's cryptic, and I'm never sure if my interpretation of its possible meaning is on target, or way off.
Papercut Wrote:Yet it's everywhere, you can go back to childhood and remember liking something silly and of no importance, yet you view it now and it all makes perfect sense.
This is something I thought of today. I have liked the YinYang symbol since I was a child. Whenever we went to the coast on holiday, there was this surf shop that sold little pins and earrings, and there was a large variety, anything from little marijuana leaves to flowers to ladybirds, but I always looked at the YinYang pin, I just thought it was the most beautiful symbol, not even knowing about the existence of Taoism at that age.
papercut Wrote:Where does it go? Will this always trigger an awakening, as some sort of clue by your higher self?
I believe this to be so, the higher self is constantly dropping clues.
Papercut Wrote:There was a post I've read by YingYang, he described a sync so powerful you cannot mistake the existence of beyond. Are we the only ones who notice?
I think wanderers just have much more of these "strangeness", especially if they have started awakening.
Papercut Wrote:Surely every each and one receives such clue, you can ignore it but the sub-conscious will keep chasing. Yet society keeps itself ignorant, I ask why. Why cannot they see that life is more than logic if everything is so illogical. Nature works in such a perfect, complex, yet simple way as if magic is in play, as if every atom and particle is connected to another.
It's all magical to me too, but I accept that the vast majority will repeat 3rd density, maybe even me, and that's also okay.
Minya Wrote:Is that not the point of the veil? To be cut from the magical nature of reality.
I don't believe we are cut off from the magical nature of reality, I believe the more we evolve the more it will manifest. For now I 'do' consider dreams, synchronicities and strange coincidences magical. Two nights ago I dreamed that I was standing in a room full of people, and there was a TV screen, and on the TV screen I saw myself reading a book. I still said to the people around me "isn't that strange, that's me", and then I walked over to the TV to see what book I was reading, but it was strange, because it was 3Dish, I could literally lean in and look over my own shoulder at the book I was reading. It was Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, a book I bought many years ago and never read (reading it now).