(10-06-2010, 03:23 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: Hi Q,Long time no hear old friend. I'm glad you've come out of hibernation (I should be talking after a full year of seclusion?) The "dare I say the word" ( i.e. Infinity) made me fall off my chair.
Good question, as always. I think you've had a lot of good responses and discussion as well, but I'd like to throw in a different thought.
As already noted, the emergence of the concept of suffering was probably concomitant with the emergence of the veil. Before the veil, entities still entered 3D, but this density was not the density of choice, since there was no STS to choose from. STS emerged as a choice due to the ability of some entities to contact intelligent (dare I say the word) infinity through the orange and yellow, spring boarding to the blue chakra, rather than through the green chakra.
You've likewise brought up some Extremely Interesting responses in kind as well.
(10-06-2010, 03:23 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: In reality, 3D is not really the density of choice, it is the density in which we learn to contact intelligent infinity. It is possible that, in the future, we or other beings my find a way to contact intelligent infinity directly from the red chakra, or possibly that entities may learn to contact intelligent infinity alternately through the green, or the orange/yellow/blue. Is it possible, for example, that a schizophrenic with multiple personalities can be both harvestable STS and STO simultaneously?Fascinating. This would explain more than a few girlfriends of the past who had the uncanny ability of channeling both STO and STS in similitude who alternately wanted to kill me and marry me at once. I'm sure it can be done (STS and STO at once vs marrying me or killing I mean). Your suggesting then that 3D is the density for contacting intelligent infinity and one of choice by default vis-a-vis polarization, as opposed to purpose, this by the 2ndary creation of STS also by default vis-a-vis choice versus purpose, all to refine the polarization experiment to contact intelligent infinity, given that contacting intelligent infinity is the only game as the primary game. Excellent.
(10-06-2010, 03:23 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: I think that these are surprises that each logos hopes/tries to create when they establish through free will, the rules of their engagement at their creation.So the Logoi hide their own eggs and then allow us to look for them through us as their other selves so to speak. Does this entail them forgetting where they hid them as well I wonder, or just avail to them the opportunity of delighting to discover themselves through us much like the parent doing the same for their child at the Easter Egg hunt.
(10-06-2010, 03:23 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: Now, to take the discussion back on topic, why is there suffering? Because it just "happened" in the great experiments that led up to our logos' creation. It is not desired, it just comes with the territory of the veil, as does STS, and a whole cornucopia of other experiences and intensities of experience in our 3D world.I like this this train of thought very much. Then this concept, similar to mine earlier as seen in my response to GLB, would have it that the Logos did not elect to inflict suffering upon ITself through us as ITself, but that rather it is us as ITself, and in a very direct sense allows us through free will to do it to ourselves and each other, and IT as a consequence - convoluted English to be sure, but then one must almost be convoluted in a sense to think like this.
It begs the first question.: Does the Creator Logos suffer as a consequence of ITs suffering through us? Might It weep for us as much as IT would have us choose another way for ITself, but will not will it for having given ITself free will to choose otherwise? Or is the Logos unfeeling and neutral?
If this is so 3D, then run with me a bit more. It returns me to my original question which secondly begs to be answered. May one minimize, reduce, largely squelch, stay-off, if not nullify larger portions of suffering as an act of magic through one's adeptness as an adept through the faculty of free will by employing the adepthoodness (or is that adpepthidnity) in becoming. May one then in effect truly have it all, i.e., the good life, health, wealth, wisdom, education, love, appreciation for simplicity, as well as for the complicated, for abstraction, discourse, culture, travel, the gourmet lifestyle, combined with the ability to thoroughly enjoy a bit of mischief, fun, down in the dirt (never harming anyone of course) but teasing them thoroughly while not intending injury, and being in love with life, all while remaining as consciously conscious as one can in praise of the Creator who smiles back in kind. The short version to the above would have it that un-suffering, i.e. joy, is as chosen and as viable a path for contacting intelligent infinity as is suffering. Then suffering needn't necessarily be, and one may indeed minimize it to the point of nearly eradicating it graciously and elegantly as much as one may, equal to ones capacity.
(10-06-2010, 03:23 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: A different question we might ask is, what new experiences like suffering are our experiences providing future logoi to consider in setting up their own "rules" when they are established?Maybe a creation devoid of suffering?
Engage me and challenge my thinking brother....
~ Q ~