05-17-2016, 03:09 AM
(11-07-2015, 08:44 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Thank you anagogy for the clarification.
Yes, getting more spiritually advanced entails greater consciousness/awareness.
It seems on Earth our 5 senses are limited into how much we can expand our consciousness.
We must use our inner senses.
I like how you say there are fine thoughts and gross thoughts (if I got that right).
I've heard that energy is fine matter, while matter is course matter.
We progress from course to fine as we evolve spiritually.
Dreams are probably a form of fine thoughts.
That would be accurate from my perspective. What makes matter "what it is" from my perspective is the perception of it being "outside" of us. This perception is an illusion, but it is how we relate to the thoughtform called matter. If you go to sleep, your consciousness temporarily withdraws from the physical focus and enters the next vibrational threshold or plane inwards, and you then dream. A dream is just you viewing the contents of your subconscious as if it were outside of you, in 3D, in much the same way we see physical matter as being outside of us. So this would then constitute "astral matter". We just keep moving inwards with each stage of spiritual evolution until finally all coalesces again.
Matter and mind are both the same thing but where your ego is situated in relationship to them determines whether you witness them as either subject or object. Where your ego is determines what is mind and what is matter. If you go to a higher density in the physical, you still encounter physical matter, but it is more refined physical matter, so it becomes more like light energy.