05-11-2016, 07:15 PM
The Indigo ray in the third dimension is actually held within the sphere of the yellow energy field. Third density sixth sub density. However it is unimportant to see this as higher or lower, but of a function. The entity activated with in third density is primarily yellow ray activated. Therefore the primary energy field is yellow. In space/ time yellow energy field will contain all others. Hence the human vehicle containing the pineal, heart, and all other energy centers manifested. In time/space there can be large differentials In which energy field contains or is the "activated" ray. This has its own exceptions as well. The time/space mirror, or analog of the manifested body can be scene to me to be the spirit or the unmanifested body. To me the level of conscience really defines the time/ space ray activation, and there in lies the hierachy. I also believe this is what Ra shakes a stick at when he says the spirit,complex is not locked with the body/mind complexs