10-05-2010, 11:34 AM
(10-05-2010, 10:26 AM)cosmoethicism Wrote: Dear Andy: You are right in your assertions, but I think that an action of Love stemming from FEAR (False Evidence Appearing As Real) is a plea for improving abilities, understanding, insights and knowledge, as Edgar Cayce used to say. That is what I am doing in this forum, trying to learn/teach from your teachings/learnings. Blessings
I think I understand what you are saying.
The decision to continue to vaccinate my 2nd child after the reaction to his first vaccine. - The actual choice was made instinctively, as every time I tried to make an appointment I froze up, it felt 'wrong' on a level I can’t explain.
The months of research was my head arguing with my heart My indecision and research was a helpful catalyst and growing tool for me.
I felt I had to justify/prove to myself, friends and others what my heart was telling me.
I’m finding this discussion also helpful in realising how I can tie myself in knots with thinking over faith - So thank you all with providing me with this catalyst.