04-25-2016, 09:54 PM
Aion Wrote:I don't think you "get to green" without balancing those lower centers, so your concept makes no sense to me. Over-activating the green-ray will just result in imbalance with the lower centers, not magical unconditional love, imo.
Aion, I understand waht you are saying but I disagree based on my personal experience. The green ray cannot be over-activated. As mentioned by Ra, its configuration is of having as many petals as the individual is capable of possessing - there is no inherent limit, unlike with other chakras which have a fixed configuration. If petals represent intensity of radiant energy, then there is no possibility of having so perfectly balanced lower chakras that one's heart can be infinitely loving; therefore the heart chakra's number of petals must represent the intensity of radiance rather than quantity, if that makes sense.
In my own experience, I had significant imbalances in the lower 3 - a huge blockage in the third, in fact, as Plenum can attest - and instead of this being a hindrance, it intensified my seeking for unconditional love toward self and others, as represented by the 4th chakra. This seeking was successful, and then was used as a springboard to clear the lower 3 with some success.
Being the pivotal energy within our energy system, unconditional love is freely accessible to us but can be blocked in various ways by the other chakras in its expression. For instance, if I have a relational problem (2nd chakra) I may have difficulty expressing love in that direction, shall we say. But the truth is, the unconditional love available in the heart chakra is a very powerful source of healing power that can overcome and clear blockages elsewhere, by holding everything in the brilliant light of unconditional harmony.