04-25-2016, 05:07 PM
(04-25-2016, 04:17 PM)Glow Wrote: I think what anagogy and I are describing is different than what you guys are.
Universal love/unconditional love is love for all. It truely is unconditional because you don't even have to know the being exists to love them and want the best for them, growth peace and love.
They could have been your murderer, or even think of those beautiful people who's child was murdered but they extend love and forgiveness to the perpetrator. THAT is unconditional love,.
Family love has root(security) sacral(tribal) and solarplexus(me/mine) so these conditions certainly lead to green Ray heart activation if the person is open to it BUT it had conditions to get there. No doubt it's a beautiful thing but what makes it so passionate is the red/orange/yellow springboard to green.
Getting to green with none of those is technically what unconditional/universal love is.
I personally surmise the family bond is where people learn to open green ray either in this life or other lives. It is a great teacher, a great cataliyst and springboard, but it's conditional unless you can extend that love to all.
I can love all but it isn't that hot intense love, I don't think it is suppose to be, that hot passionate stuff is the excitement felt at meeting those who resonate. Perhaps in other densities we resonate with each other so well that universal/unconditional love in that illusion is all hot and intense but here it's different.
I don't think you "get to green" without balancing those lower centers, so your concept makes no sense to me. Over-activating the green-ray will just result in imbalance with the lower centers, not magical unconditional love, imo.
Everything you love has the conditions of you being alive here in order to do the loving. No green-ray without red, orange and yellow. Even if you are loving someone you have never met or know exists you are still activating the lower triad on the way to green because those centers are stimulated 'in queue'. The way in which you are accessing those lower centers is by associating them with yourself, being the Creator. Thus you 'satisfy' the lower triad by the identification of the other with yourself, either as family or as the Creator and with those in balance the heart opens wide up.
However, any effort you make towards unconditional love necessitates the balance of the lower triad.
So, to me, it seems more like you're talking about the difference between a balanced lower triad and an imbalanced lower triad. The imbalanced triad will cause the green-ray energies to be stifled due to a lack of harmony and thus the green-ray will not properly activate at all. Once the lower triad is balanced the green-ray can be activated smoothly.
However, this has to be done with every relationship, every transfer, whether it is your family who you have known your own life or it is some random person on the street you see. It's easier to jump to green-ray with 'random' people or people you don't know because there is less involved with your lower triad. This isn't because the lower triad is impeding, it's because the person has hang ups in those centers with the people whom they are close with.
So, what I'm really saying is it just seems 'easier' to talk about unconditional love when it is towards 'random' people or people who you are not closely tied to, but it is still the same process and activity with those who you are bonded with. If you don't count your family and its bonds as part of your 'unconditional love', then I'd say your love is still conditional.
Hence why I think unconditional love is loving despite any conditions. The fact is that unconditional love doesn't always look the same because you can be unconditionally loving while still being passionate and I think that's where people get confused. There is a pretty widespread belief that unconditional love is unpassionate and impersonal, but I actually think it's the exact opposite.
Maybe it is that I only see there being one love. There isn't "family love" and then "conditional love" and "friend love" and etc, etc. There's just love. How you reach this love is different for every single person you meet. Unconditional love just means that you are able to reach love no matter who you interact with. It may be harder for some people to reach love one way that is easier for others and vice versa.