10-03-2010, 06:46 PM
(10-03-2010, 01:58 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Yeah, I saw the Gates presentation. Better health care, lower population growth. This is a societal fact. Just check the statistics, like right now. He did. Before we accuse a man of being negative elite intent on killing off the population we should at least gather the facts should we not? Otherwise would only be abusing people for our own personal agenda... I don't like Microsoft. And I'm on Linux for that reason. But since Gates retired he has made a difference to many people in this world. Usually the poorest. I've been very critical of him but he's demonstrating being one of the good guys. He's intent on spending at least half his money before he dies on good causes and real differences for humanity. And he's encouraging the richest of the world to do the same. He's working from the misunderstanding that the earth changes are our own doing. But he doesn't intend to actually kill people to reduce the population. Last year he made malaria a goal. This year it's energy. To save lives in the long run.
Furthermore: giving a child's immune system a deactivated virus will not make him sick. It will teach the immune system to counter the real virus when it comes along. Acting as if that is evil is weird considering the real thing CAN kill the child. And will kill many many children. If you want to make an issue of this, take the kid out of child care. Because contact with other kids will introduce it to many many more viruses, and the kid will actually get sick from that... Frequently. Put your child in a plastic sterile bubble... Knowing that the kid will be miserable and the first puncture will potentially kill the child.
The child came to earth. The child NEEDS indoctrination, it depends on you for this. Because without it, it will not know how to speak, it will not even know how to think. Amazing as it might seem, speech and thought are directly related. Without your help, it will not learn to walk, it will not learn to deal with people. This is indoctrination... Considering this bad or evil is, in my view ignorant. As a psychologist, I can assure you that your indoctrination and education that you give your child will be it's most valuable asset during the rest of it's life... It is a gift of freedom, not enslavement. If your kid doesn't like water, you'll hopefully still teach it to swim. Gently both to teach it to face fears and give it a fighting chance when it eventually does end up in the water.
Without indoctrination it will be a mere shadow of the person it could be. This is empowerment and NOT a bad thing!
I'm sorry you feel this way. I encourage everyone to check the facts and their history for themselves it'll only cost a few hours of your life and they are more sound than anything.
I said in my other post my personal reasons for not vaccinating, explaining the weeks, well 2 months of research I did, and my personal back ground enabling me to understand what I was seeing, and do a complete about face in light of my findings. So I totally agree with you it’s worth the time to investigate.
I did not accuse Bill Gates of anything, you made that assumption. All I said was ‘Interesting’ for on the face of it it’s a strange statement to make. I've not looked into it further.
Forgive me for taking little that I find here on earth at face value I like to look into things myself and make my own decisions.
Thus why I like 'informed' consent that we have in the UK. I was unhappy with the level of information given to me to make the choice on behalf of my child.... so I spent the time looking into it myself.