10-03-2010, 05:25 AM
Hmm... I was on the thread about the pyramid but I don't remember a discussion on "mansion vs. grits". I have always felt that I would like to build my home like a mansion which would have beauty and healing properties... a pool that is situated on a special area that gathers natural waters and allows the water to continue on it's path as to not hold on to that water (I think capturing water is unnatural and should be allowed to continue it's flow). The pool would overlook a garden filled with plants and flowers that would attract and maintain fauna, as I find nature to be important for healing the soul.
Until I get to the point that all else in my life is right I would not try to start building such a structure, right now I have a feeling that I could roam anywhere and live anywhere... but I must admit that there are areas I still would shy away from.
Until I get to the point that all else in my life is right I would not try to start building such a structure, right now I have a feeling that I could roam anywhere and live anywhere... but I must admit that there are areas I still would shy away from.