03-31-2016, 03:45 PM
(03-31-2016, 02:06 PM)Papercut Wrote: This has probably been discussed many times before, but eventually it does not matter.. right?
I mean, we are alone. We as me, you and everything in space/time time/space.
This paradox is driving me to the unknown.
I can't stop feeling the loneliness of unity, of one.
We went into this journey for whatever reason, because we were one singularity. the only thing that there is. nothing else exists, but us?
Was there something in existence before unity? Perhaps something that created unity...? Nonsense? Hm.
And if the answer is no. Then I ask why. Why? Why.
Everything that has a beginning has an end. That is the nature of duality.
Fortunately, we had no beginning, so we will have no end. There is a reality beyond duality that doesn't follow the logical rules of duality. It is beyond them. That's hard to wrap our minds around, but that is my current understanding. In the same way that many people imagine that there was nothingness before there was somethingness, I'm going to ask you to picture the opposite reality -- that in fact there has always just been somethingness. You see, infinity always was, is, and will be. Nothingness cannot exist, and never did exist, as an object unto itself. It can only exist as a mere idea, or conceptual abstraction, within somethingness. Even if it did "exist" it would then not be nothingness. Having a label for a hypothetical state of infinite lack makes it seem like it could exist, but it never did, nor can it. Because nothingness infinitely cannot exist, everythingness (that is to say: infinity) HAD to exist. Infinity is the base state.
Ra has said that the creator does not properly create but rather simply experiences itself. So what you, I, and all others confuse and see as "creation" is actually just this infinity, that has always been, simply examining a portion of its infinite substance. You, right now, are the creator examining a portion of its consciousness. At our 3rd density level of perception that looks like you experiencing a physical reality right now, but its all just an image in consciousness. God knows all, so all exists. Knowing what something "would be like if it did exist" to a perfectly infinite degree of intensity is absolutely no different from the thing "actually existing". They are one and the same. This is the point where probability and actuality come to mean the same thing.
I used to imagine that the One infinite creator was lonely, that it was this solitary entity floating in the void of existence, but eventually realized that it doesn't actually exist that way. That concept actually contains some subtle distortions about the nature of consciousness, unity, and infinity. But I can assure you, the One consciousness that we all are feels no loneliness at its broadest level of awareness. It feels absolute peace, power, and infinite well being. The mantra of its beingness is "all is well" and always will be. And to the extent that we don't separate our consciousness from that broader perspective by the nature of our thoughts which are not consonant with oneness, we too can feel a measure of the well being of the universe.
Oneness is both beyond the idea of "solitary" and beyond the idea of "group working together in perfect harmony". Both of these concepts involve an idea of a self in relation to others. In oneness, there is no self, and there is no others, just consciousness. I wish there were better words to communicate its reality, but I think there probably are not. Anyhow, feel free to discard any of this that not resonate with you, just thought I would share some alternate perspectives with you. Perhaps you will find something of value from them. And perhaps not. Take care.