03-17-2016, 11:05 AM
(03-17-2016, 10:45 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Here is where I see the problem: You are sending these people love in an effort to actively change their ways. You must try to find a place where you can offer others love without expecting ANYTHING in return, including that they will respond with love to you. It's best to go into any situation without expecting an outcome.
They respond by feeling rejected because you are not accepting them as they are, you are trying to make them into something else. Service to others is about allowing people the full spectrum of experiences, especially if they are not hurting anyone. A youtube video seems like a pretty innocuous demon to be battling.
What is bothering you about these people - are they preaching negative philosophies? Sending love without directly contacting them is probably a better approach, though you would still benefit from cultivating a love born out of acceptance and love for their being as perfect in the moment.
That's the thing though. I am not trying to change them at all, as I feel that all paths are correct. If I am coming across as trying to actively change their minds, then that is a matter of perception. I even add a disclaimer regarding using their own discernment. I know that all paths, no matter where they are lead back to the Creator.
So, it's not a matter of me not accepting them. The roles are switched, as they are trying to convince me that their view is accurate, and of the ramifications if I don't adhere to said view.
I think I will simply send them love without actively engaging.