04-03-2009, 04:17 PM
(04-03-2009, 11:40 AM)3D Sunset Wrote: In trying to understand the relationships and interactions of the cards of the Major Arcana, there are a few things that I have gleaned from Ra.
1. Most, though not all archetypes have gender characteristics that are associated with either male (physical, creating, active, reasoning, reaching, outer, doing) or female (mental, nurturing, passive, intuitive, withdrawn, inner, being). These broad characteristics are reflected by the characters chosen to represent the archetypes. I am interested in exploring and understanding the gender of each at this time.
Remaining with the Magician for a moment before moving onto the next card, I might agree with this statement more easily as being truer than the previous question you alluded to as to does the Magician assume a male principle in energy, as in reaching/activating, etc. ? It would seem that the Magician as the Matrix of Mind is an archetype defined as being unmovable as given by Ra. Therefore it seems clear that the Matrix Of Mind does not reach or activate as such in as much as it is unmoving or immovable, but this in a Potentiated State vs The State of Potentiating. Thus as a result is the Matrix of Mind/Magician seemingly in an unpotentiated state as a result. In other words, it is in the state of Potentiated Energy, but while not in fact potentiated, and in no case ever being in the sate of Kinetic Energy. It simply is, thus acting outside of both, and in this sense as though in time/space vs definitions that may allude to space/time.
What seems clearer by the Ra quote below:
Ra Book IV, Session 87 Wrote:Questioner: Why is the male and the female nature different?
Ra: I am Ra. When the veiling process was accomplished, to the male polarity was attracted the Matrix of the Mind and to the female, the Potentiator of the Mind, to the male the Potentiator of the Body, to the female the Matrix of the Body.
is that the Matrix of Mind is in fact "attracted more to the male polarity body incarnate" than is the Matrix of Mind to be understood or defined as an expressive definition of male energy of the Matrix being active vs passive, or reaching vs stillness, where the latter in both cases is more defined as attracted to the "feminine polarity body incarnate" in fact as much in principle as result. We have therefore the ongoing balance/imbalance in dynamic of the Yin/Yang principle in play, to the point of 'He' always lives in his head and logics things out, whereas 'She' lives in her body and feels them out, 'He' solves riddles and needs solutions, 'She' expresses problems needing more to ventilate than solve etc, of which Hollywood Movies have been made from the beginning, i.e. The proverbial Chick Flicks, as much as Self Help books of such genres as "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus. These principles at play were seemingly more real than we knew when we laughed at either in ignorance or fun.
Here is where sexuality enters into play, as much as in sex, as much as in attraction, as much as in our differences, but also not to be ignored or missed, also residing within the deep resources and reserves of ourselves, both as male and female, as much as to the male/female principle at once we are. Thus it expresses itself outside of us as much as within us. "He" has been likened more unto a Microwave, knowing what he is attracted to instantly, and oft zapping it dry, whereas "She" has been more likened unto a crock pot, slow in cooking, and steaming in her juices. "She" is the wet, warm, dark, damp principle of Mother Earth herself, the soil being warm, dark damp, taking in the seed of life and nurturing it, whereas "He" has been called her Lord, as in in the seed from the tree falling from the Sky above, being the principle of the air, verses her earth in kind. 'She' as the feminine principle lies in wait, passive, recessive, awaiting to be moved, seemingly unmoved (sound familiar guys, in any movie, at any water cooler, or bar?), whereas 'He' as male principle, active, reaching, is seeking to move, and thus awaits the lightening strike active male principle to energize her the passive feminine principle, without which she can not be moved (sound familiar girls, in any movie, or at any water cooler, or bar?), resulting in sexual movement expressed for him and her as both. 'He' however requires also the her-ness within himself, as does 'She' the him-ness within her, as much as both need the other physically outside of themselves in each other sexually, as much as you state 3D that we see that Ra indicates that the Matrix of the Mind represents consciousness (male principle) which is potentiated by the subconscious (feminine principle). The light (he) of the conscious mind, dips into the darkness (her) of the sub-conscious mind, from which the light shining into the dark retrieves it's pearl of life/knowledge/birth of consciousness awakened.
The Matrix is indeed thus considered first due perhaps even presumably the Octave itself, not just perhaps the density alone, being founded on and in consciousness. (Now, might this be otherwise in another density, such that the archetype of the matrix of mind is perhaps more of a feminine principle?) The work of 3D is indeed magical, this by way of and through the work of the conscious mind, but not fully yet magic or magical yet until tapping into the subconscious mind such that the awakened consciousness is activated through the union, marriage, and birth by, through, and in both.
All is allegory, poetry, fractal, and reflection...
as the song goes: "Love is in the Air"