(03-03-2016, 07:21 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: I think perhaps you are still seeing the words "the path which is not" with some twist of negative judgement. Again, it's a literal observation. If you take a crystal and fracture its light into the spectrum, it ROY G BIVs out. If you get a ROY _ BIV spectrum, that is not what should be happening. Something is deliberately blocking a fraction of the light, and that something is the veil. The veil creates an artificial gap, indeed because it allows for a more varied experience.
More like I find it paradoxal to call something that is as what is not. Under this scope the STO also is a path of what is not as others are illusions and through serving others you always serve but yourself.
If we go back to the root of our experience, we will find that we are the Creator that wants to know Itself. Have you considered that the STS path does exactly this? And possibly more than the STO path ever did? Which would make it more in sync with our unified desire.
Every instant of self is a servive to all, every act and every thought. For the All is being focused upon the experience of yourself to know Itself.
(03-03-2016, 07:21 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote:Quote:87.14 Questioner: The Law of Doubling does not work in this way. How much does the power of the social memory complex increase relatively when this single entity is harvested and absorbed into it?
Ra: I am Ra. If one entity in the social memory complex is responsible for this addition to its being, that mind/body/spirit complex will absorb, in linear fashion, the power contained in the, shall we say, recruit. If a sub-group is responsible, the power is then this sub-group’s. Only very rarely is the social memory complex of negative polarity capable of acting totally as one being. The loss of polarity due to this difficulty, to which we have previously referred as a kind of spiritual entropy, is quite large.
It is the natural order of things to progress upwards until we begin to coalesce into a larger portion of the macrocosm. The STS path deliberately avoids this until it is impossible not to. They are only rarely able to work together at all because it depolarizes them. They maximize their separation from the One True Thought of Unity until they can no longer, and then rubber-band back. There is no negative judgement, it's just the way that the other path works. It's still, in its own way, a totally valid representation of unity. But, it is showing the Creator what it is not: separated.
I believe the STS path has a greater focus upon striving upward for most part as it seeks to elevate the self as Creator.
A group is useful in a joint focus but it seems dellusioned to think the focus of all it's part was always one or is ever one in it's totality. The potential of many is brought down just as the potential of others can be elevated. Many will deny portions of themselves for the whole but then again, if the desires of self are illusionary then so are those of the others for whom they have been denied within self.
(03-03-2016, 07:21 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: The only reason this wording even holds value is that, before the veil was conceptualized, separation was not conceptualized. The veil was created for the artificial illusion of 3rd density. So for many eons, the Creator only knew of itself as unity. Then it had a novel idea, a great one, to extend this distortion of confusion. In confusion, entities choose the other path. Eventually, they find their way back. Everyone does, because we're all together in this.
There are quite many layers of separation, infinite being a strong possibility.
I'm not so sure I'd equate unity as how you perceive it. To me it seems like an infinitely small facet of what unity truly is.