03-01-2016, 06:01 PM
To ask the question of how service to self views other selves then ask a 3rd density on this planet learning and doing the work pushing itself to comprehend and discover itself. The mind is where to start to discover and peer through the veil of what lies forward, as to understand the blocks, its wants, desires, what it seeks, and where the creator assists to take the entity to discover what truth is needed in this period of recycling that it has to learn. One obvious truth is to learn how many times do you focus on saying 'I' or that is to say focus on the self rather then through the description of others:
"You do not realize your own situation. You are in prison. All you can wish for, if you are a sensible man,is to escape. But how escape? It is necessary to tunnel under a wall. One man can do nothing. But let us suppose there are ten or twenty men--if they work in turn and if one covers another they can complete the tunnel and escape.
Furthermore, no one can escape from prison without the help of those who have escaped before. Only then they can say in what way escape is possible or can send tools, files, or whatever may be necessary. But one prisoner alone cannot find these people or get into touch with them. An organization is necessary. Nothing can be achieved without an organization."
Often when I do this work and attempt to find others to network with within the local geographic area if you use imagination then picture a man running into a brick wall and bouncing back wallowing in excoriating pain losing his will to get back again to do the work and having to fall back to gather himself to recommence the work trying to get back onto the staircase. We are in prison and the system sets road blocks to keep us here, while we attempt to discover ourselves. That alone is not enough to do self observation to discover what traits do you have that you do not even see. Indeed rushing into this work in itself can be an egotistical adventure. And you still do not see that you are attempting to absorb this information as quickly as you can and if you are working faster then your capability you will encounter obstacles from procrastination, which may be a symptom of my impatience of wishing to rush through thr work, and when the read is heavy I can only read so much then the mind wanders into an obfuscation usually a distraction that is identifiable.
With no support in the work and lack of human contact the mechanism is far more powerful to overcome then meets thee eye:
"So long as he fails to realize this, so long as he thinks he is free, he has no chance whatever. No one can help or liberate him by force, against only as a result of great labor and great efforts, and, above all, of conscious efforts, towards a definite aim."
-- both quotes from In Search of the Miraculous pg. 30 by PD Ouspensky quoting Georges Ivan Gurdjieff
It has been experienced that when a person is lost in his own suffering by his own freewill which is a choice even if he is unconscious there is the Law of Confusion of maybe having an aim before but after failure he doubts himself and loses faith to end up bankrupt and disappointed in himself because of his egoism. The universe is teaching him a lesson and all he thinks is about himself and wallows in his subjectivity. He then loses his aim and becomes lost in a static state even if he has the great ability to be in that role of the old aim, perhaps he rushed into that role looking for the easy way out while he shoulf have worked slowly for his aim, and not have expected to achieve it rate away.
Service to self involves a being in flight as much as being the predator, both are the enslaved and the slave master, and both are devoid of energy wallowing in that black hole.
"That was my first experience with "wanna--be." Since then, I've learned that the whole phenomenon -- whites trying to emulate Indian culture trappings -- is the latest pathetic phase of the rebellion against spiritual bankruptcy."
-- Cleveland Chapter 13, Where White Men Fear to Tread pg. 144, Russell Means
One of the key activation that bring people here to key sites such as the Law of One forum is that like most other people with minds to think have experienced a spiritual bankruptcy as a result of many factors including trying to be something that you are not because of your perception and now you must work to free yourself from those thoughts. I have not read this book but I have heard portions of information relating to it that another saying is call it if it is done correctly POSITIVE DISINTEGRATION, and whether we know it or not we have done it before and will keep doing it to find our disappointments and blocks of this whole experience.
The system has a way to play games with us and it not for our benefit. Ever since I started this work my health has deteriorated in some ways teaching me to focus more on my diet, taking care of myself, and seeing who I am as an entity. Everything is contradictory to my illusion of what I thought I was, and remembering of some of the things that was done there is no escape within this world of being in service to self. The only thing that can be done is emulate to send the creator the message that I wish to be something different then I am however I will not live the illusion of what I am not and if I am to graduate to the next level in service to others do not lie to others and yourself. Utilize from what is known from your actions and correct the contradictions in cognitive repair.
Esoteric work is not all what was thought, it involves beyond what is known and considered to be esoteric work. The work has taken me deeper slowly into the subjects such as the Amygdala to further my understanding of why I am the way I am. The fragmentation of the mind of many selves can be overwhelming when you understand that you are not whole but separate and governed by many laws. Yet connections outside of your influences can also be a factor whether you can awake or stay asleep.
"You do not realize your own situation. You are in prison. All you can wish for, if you are a sensible man,is to escape. But how escape? It is necessary to tunnel under a wall. One man can do nothing. But let us suppose there are ten or twenty men--if they work in turn and if one covers another they can complete the tunnel and escape.
Furthermore, no one can escape from prison without the help of those who have escaped before. Only then they can say in what way escape is possible or can send tools, files, or whatever may be necessary. But one prisoner alone cannot find these people or get into touch with them. An organization is necessary. Nothing can be achieved without an organization."
Often when I do this work and attempt to find others to network with within the local geographic area if you use imagination then picture a man running into a brick wall and bouncing back wallowing in excoriating pain losing his will to get back again to do the work and having to fall back to gather himself to recommence the work trying to get back onto the staircase. We are in prison and the system sets road blocks to keep us here, while we attempt to discover ourselves. That alone is not enough to do self observation to discover what traits do you have that you do not even see. Indeed rushing into this work in itself can be an egotistical adventure. And you still do not see that you are attempting to absorb this information as quickly as you can and if you are working faster then your capability you will encounter obstacles from procrastination, which may be a symptom of my impatience of wishing to rush through thr work, and when the read is heavy I can only read so much then the mind wanders into an obfuscation usually a distraction that is identifiable.
With no support in the work and lack of human contact the mechanism is far more powerful to overcome then meets thee eye:
"So long as he fails to realize this, so long as he thinks he is free, he has no chance whatever. No one can help or liberate him by force, against only as a result of great labor and great efforts, and, above all, of conscious efforts, towards a definite aim."
-- both quotes from In Search of the Miraculous pg. 30 by PD Ouspensky quoting Georges Ivan Gurdjieff
It has been experienced that when a person is lost in his own suffering by his own freewill which is a choice even if he is unconscious there is the Law of Confusion of maybe having an aim before but after failure he doubts himself and loses faith to end up bankrupt and disappointed in himself because of his egoism. The universe is teaching him a lesson and all he thinks is about himself and wallows in his subjectivity. He then loses his aim and becomes lost in a static state even if he has the great ability to be in that role of the old aim, perhaps he rushed into that role looking for the easy way out while he shoulf have worked slowly for his aim, and not have expected to achieve it rate away.
Service to self involves a being in flight as much as being the predator, both are the enslaved and the slave master, and both are devoid of energy wallowing in that black hole.
"That was my first experience with "wanna--be." Since then, I've learned that the whole phenomenon -- whites trying to emulate Indian culture trappings -- is the latest pathetic phase of the rebellion against spiritual bankruptcy."
-- Cleveland Chapter 13, Where White Men Fear to Tread pg. 144, Russell Means
One of the key activation that bring people here to key sites such as the Law of One forum is that like most other people with minds to think have experienced a spiritual bankruptcy as a result of many factors including trying to be something that you are not because of your perception and now you must work to free yourself from those thoughts. I have not read this book but I have heard portions of information relating to it that another saying is call it if it is done correctly POSITIVE DISINTEGRATION, and whether we know it or not we have done it before and will keep doing it to find our disappointments and blocks of this whole experience.
The system has a way to play games with us and it not for our benefit. Ever since I started this work my health has deteriorated in some ways teaching me to focus more on my diet, taking care of myself, and seeing who I am as an entity. Everything is contradictory to my illusion of what I thought I was, and remembering of some of the things that was done there is no escape within this world of being in service to self. The only thing that can be done is emulate to send the creator the message that I wish to be something different then I am however I will not live the illusion of what I am not and if I am to graduate to the next level in service to others do not lie to others and yourself. Utilize from what is known from your actions and correct the contradictions in cognitive repair.
Esoteric work is not all what was thought, it involves beyond what is known and considered to be esoteric work. The work has taken me deeper slowly into the subjects such as the Amygdala to further my understanding of why I am the way I am. The fragmentation of the mind of many selves can be overwhelming when you understand that you are not whole but separate and governed by many laws. Yet connections outside of your influences can also be a factor whether you can awake or stay asleep.