02-24-2016, 01:00 PM
just a possibility
The lower chakras, having to do with the self, its
survival issues, its sexuality, its relationships with self
and other selves personally, and its relationship with
groups, are all energies that may seem to be in need
of balancing and clearing so that they are neither
under-activated nor over-activated. But one cannot
share energy between red ray and red ray, or orange
ray, or yellow ray.
One may impress those energies upon another self,
and because of the strength of your energy system, it
is possible for energy to be impressed from you to
another person, or for another person to impress you
with their energy. It is, however, an overlay. It is
time-bound in its effect and will wear off naturally.
Many of your faith healers, so called, are those who
are healing either from the orange or the yellow-ray
chakra and they are impressing their understanding
and their environment upon another. Those who are
able to accept those impressions are able to
experience quite a bit of release from various
ailments for a certain time period. However, in every
case where it is at the level below the heart, those
energies will not persevere and will fade away
The yellow ray is a powerful ray and [the healer’s] will can be channeled very easily by one who has a powerful will to impinge upon other entities. That will of the healer may well be to do good, to serve the Creator and to serve the fellow man or woman that is standing before him asking to be healed. Nevertheless, he now has a personal dynamic between his yellow ray and the will of the other entity, from whatever chakra that other entity is expressing its will. This means that the healing is a human transfer. The healer pushes wellness into the energy body of the one to be healed. Frequently, such healers are very effective in the short term.
The laying on of hands is often very powerful with such healers. There may be an immediate healing or that which seems to be an immediate improvement. The hallmark of such healings is, however, that they will wear off and will simply be combed out of the aura of the one to be healed by time and attrition, so that in the end the energy simply stops being effective.
That same healer can repeat the healing again and again and achieve results each time. Nevertheless, it does not have the characteristics of that movement through the gateway of intelligent infinity which produces the environment of healing while preserving completely the free will of the one to be healed.