01-28-2016, 12:37 PM
(03-11-2011, 11:03 PM)zack231 Wrote: Ok so last night I was meditating and an uexplainable thing happened. Meditations although I dont do them every day or that often maybe twice a week have started to get more and more profound. When I first started meditating I would just get really relaxed but as time has gone on and I have got better at meditating I have began to have "experiences". In another thread I spoke of how I had began to see pulsating purple cirlces during mediation and many told me that perhaps I was being contacted by my higher self to tell me I was a wanderer especially because of the fact that I am only 18 and have been awakened at such a young age..
Anyway it could also mean alot of other things such as I am begining to open up my pineal gland and stuff as I have stoped drinking florinated water. Or that I am on the right path to be of service to-others.
Just last night during meditation the wierdest thing happend. It is quite hard to explain but I will do my best, my meditation was going much better than usual because for probably the first time I had actually quieted my mind and this is when it got wierd. First my body started to feel as though it were getting heavier, then I started to feel quiet dizzy and had the sensation that I weas falling forwards. It felt like how you feel as you go down a big drop on a rollercoaster if that helps to explain it better. But thats not it I also go the erge to spin my head around and so I started to do so.. then I began to think of the confederation and I asked am I on the right path in my mind and this is going to get really wierd but it almost felt like I was being forced to nod like I knew I was doing but I had no control over it. It was a long very slow nod and I felt quiet dizzy during it.. The dizziness eventually got to much to the point where I felt as though I may be sick andd I opened my eyes... What does this mean???? thanks
Love and light
Spinning or rotation in meditation – A sign of advanced meditation leading to advanced kriya yoga path.
Spinning or rotation in meditation happens at very advanced stage of meditation. For better understanding on this Spinning or rotation in meditation, you can check this video - https://youtu.be/WUPtRe1AkP0
You can check your stage of meditation by checking this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcX-CBrF9m4 so that you can understand yourself that its happening to you at the advanced stage.
Rotation or Spinning of the astral body within, happens after receiving abundant cosmic energy. Due to consciousness moving to a point it starts spinning. The astral movements within would be so uncontrollable that even body starts moving. The spinning of various body parts happen based on the body part or chakras at which the astral movements happen. When the meditation happens at the point of spinning, the breath turns inward and an unknown pranayama takes place within naturally. The more meditation happens like this through spinning, the more the soul gets purified and gets rid of its sanskaras and karma and move forward.
In this path, Nature would the teacher for such aspirants. In order to move forward in this path, one can chant the following 5 Elements mantras and Invoke the teacher.
From then on the teacher starts guiding from within and also starts meeting various other aspirants who have been in this path to get further guided. 5 Elements of the Nature are the primal forces that guide in this path. The mantras are
1. Om Pruthvi Deavaya Namaha
2. Om Jala Devaya Namaha
3. Om Agni Devaya Namaha
4. Om Vayu Devaya Namaha
5. Om Akasha Devaya Namaha
6. Om Prakruti Devaya Namaha
7. Om Guru Devaya Namaha
To know how to pronounce these mantras you can also check this video --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAcIzssordU ------. You can also check this Google Plus community to get connected to similar people.
Drinking, smoking, harming others, jealousy, anger, greed, lust are strictly not advisable in this path.
For any help or guidance in this path, you can contact us at prakritikriya@gmail.com / +91 - 934 75 78781, we will be glad to help you forward.