01-15-2016, 12:23 PM
Min. Your opinion. Thank you for pushing it. But not all of the Ra Material is correct for all of us. I offer my opinion and views, I try not to say this is wrong cause this is right (I fail at this though) . Its why its always saddening to me when you pick at my posts in any manner. Why must your reality be mine? We don't have the exact same Reality, our existences/realities do differ, just as we as persona(lities) differ in a same/difference way.
You speak of Love.
My standards dictate now, for me: If you want to teach me Love, Show Me It.
Enough is enough. I put my foot down. My standards dictate, I doubt you or the OIC or the Universe truly know what love is until you can show it to me.
I made that clear to the Universe, Love abounds in front of me now, not so hidden in plain sight once I made it clear doing so was not proper for me, personally.
Do you understand, Min? What exactly are you trying to help me with?? Because I don't understand.
You speak of Love.
My standards dictate now, for me: If you want to teach me Love, Show Me It.
Enough is enough. I put my foot down. My standards dictate, I doubt you or the OIC or the Universe truly know what love is until you can show it to me.
I made that clear to the Universe, Love abounds in front of me now, not so hidden in plain sight once I made it clear doing so was not proper for me, personally.
Do you understand, Min? What exactly are you trying to help me with?? Because I don't understand.