(09-22-2010, 04:45 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: No, it's a practical one, one in which every claim can be verified experimentally and that does not depend on vague rationales the challenge of which remains unanswered.
if you mean that going back and unifying with infinite intelligence at the end of 7th density in each octave, and remaining in unison towards end of 8th density as 'vague rationale', then it means what Ra text tells us regarding going back 'to the infinite creator' was unverifiable vague rationale.
the rock, 1d entity, is united with infinite intelligence. infinite intelligence is that rock, and that rock is infinite intelligence.
this is a simple concept that is relayed to us in Ra text. but apparently, it is so easily ignored.
Quote:Quote:what you call nervous system is just a mechanism that triggers the channels that open various connections to whatever spiritual influence that is associated with it in the tool that is known as brain, which is the tool of the mind for manifesting in physical realm.If that were true, then the mind cannot be affected by stimulation of the brain... Yet it clearly is affected by physical events... Like trauma, inebriation or precise electrical stimulation.
apparently you havent read what i said about this, or didnt understand it well.
brain is the tool of the mind, which is the gate that spirit flows to the physical realm. and as i said before, if any particular channel is stimulated through anything, be it any event or any drugs, relevant flows to or from the spirit are unleashed in brain, bringing forth whatever state of being that is associated with that channel. that includes ecstasy, pain, and mixture of whatever infinite mixtures that there can be.
it does not need to be 'physical' in any event either. through hypnosis or stimulation through nerve system, same results can be accomplished.
Quote:No it's not.. I never claimed that.. I said the one is evolved on the basis of the other. Not that it was separate.
you havent said as such, but you are ignoring its consequences easily.
if everything is spirit, and everything comes from spirit, then spirit will affect spirit. inevitably. it wont matter whether a certain vibration is in 1d, and the other in 3d, spirits will still affect each other.
Quote:A claim as bold as that can be backed up by real life examples I'm sure... Damage to the brain limits the mind. If the brain is a limiter then according to your logic damage to the brain would improve the mind..
It's not as simple as you think it to be.
it is a limiter that allows whatever limited with it, to manifest and work according to a certain reality frame that the brain is designed to fit in.
indeed, damage to the brain can unlock various faculties of mind, and also open channels to the spirit. drugs can do the same too. yet, because the particular reality/conditions that comprise this reality we live in on this 3d planet, results may lead to the entity being unable to work within the framework and requirements of that reality. extreme ecstasy, or madness, or delusions, or becoming aware of various other densities or astral planes that would affect the entity positively or negatively, distract or daze him/her, and many more.
or, the damage can damage the parts of the brain that allows the manifestation of mind faculties needed for functioning in this reality, and therefore disable the entity.
it is as simple as it can be. i said a limiter, not a barrier, or a cork. it limits the manifestations of mind to certain frameworks, so that actual manifestation and interactions in that framework are possible, and a reality that is orderly and manageable is created.