You make some good points plenum. I tend to feel that will corresponds more with Geburah, but it also plays a key part with Chockmah. You have the balancing aspects of Binah the female energy of understanding, i would see those together as Love/light. However i see this love/light on a very high level of creation, as in the progress of the creator beginning to know itself. Thus you have Kether as the source, Chockmah as the first refection of the source through the will to know what the creator is and Binah being the understanding of what the creator is, which is love.
Kether being undefined, how can you know what it is, when no concepts of an it or that exist yet? The only way for possible growth is through a refection of itself and the creator could then say for the first time, I am that! which is chockmah the reflection. Binah being the understanding that I am this but not that, which basically means the understanding that the creator isn't its reflection but rather its true undefined self. This being the original progression of the logos rather than the general use of will/love/wisdom, but the very echos of the creative formation.
I would say that Chesed and Geburah correspond perhaps better in what we would normally relate to the general aspects of love and will, however that being said they are really a reflection of the universal understanding and wisdom.
Kether being undefined, how can you know what it is, when no concepts of an it or that exist yet? The only way for possible growth is through a refection of itself and the creator could then say for the first time, I am that! which is chockmah the reflection. Binah being the understanding that I am this but not that, which basically means the understanding that the creator isn't its reflection but rather its true undefined self. This being the original progression of the logos rather than the general use of will/love/wisdom, but the very echos of the creative formation.
I would say that Chesed and Geburah correspond perhaps better in what we would normally relate to the general aspects of love and will, however that being said they are really a reflection of the universal understanding and wisdom.