09-20-2010, 07:14 PM
Last week I had a massage at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E. Spa here in Virginia Beach. The spa is located in what used to be the old hospital on the hill. While waiting for my appointment I chatted with another person, Patricia, who was waiting for a massage and who had been trained as a massage therapist years ago at the same location. The following day she bumped into me at the Heritage Store which is an organic grocery store, book/gift store as well as provider of healing therapy services. Out of the blue, Patricia wrote down the name of this book & gave it to me: "The Master Cleanser" by Stanley Burroughs. I always appreciate synchronicities so I bought the book and after having read it, intend to try the cleanse sometime soon.
Essentially, The Master Cleanser is a minimum 10 day to 40 day cleaning fast using fresh lemon or lime juice in water with maple syrup. The book contains interesting and easy to understand reasons for this combination with exact measurements, additional optional items such as a specific recipe for a salt water cleanser in the morning as well as some herb teas. The book strongly recommends a specific plan for coming out of the fast with an explanation as to why it is important to ease back into solid food.
If anyone is interested but cannot find this book, you might try calling the Heritage Store's toll free number @ (800) 862-2923. The books cost $6.50.
Over the years, a few people have briefly mentioned their experience with this cleansing fast. All felt some weakness but better having completed 10-11 days.
Another good book I just read is "The Edgar Cayce Products Thirty Five years of Research" ($3.00) which gives people's first hand accounts of experience using The Heritage Store's formulas based on the Cayce readings. For anyone, especially guys who are experiencing unwanted hair loss, there is a recommended treatment but it needs to be followed for a year for best results. The first two weeks in September is the Heritage's Anniversary Sale with a lot of buy 2 get 1 free - a good time to stock up not only on Cayce products but other holistic remedies as well.
"The Cayce Remedies" gives more information along the same lines. I browsed through it & it looked good but have not read this book.
I tried a water-only fast but stopped after 2 days due to feeling too weak and ill. Later I wondered about the effect on my electrolytes. Here's another person's approach and experience with a 3 day fast: http://spartanstudent.blogspot.com/2010_...chive.html .
Maybe something in this post will resonate with someone. I feel such gratitude for everyone's sharing and caring here.
Peace out
Essentially, The Master Cleanser is a minimum 10 day to 40 day cleaning fast using fresh lemon or lime juice in water with maple syrup. The book contains interesting and easy to understand reasons for this combination with exact measurements, additional optional items such as a specific recipe for a salt water cleanser in the morning as well as some herb teas. The book strongly recommends a specific plan for coming out of the fast with an explanation as to why it is important to ease back into solid food.
If anyone is interested but cannot find this book, you might try calling the Heritage Store's toll free number @ (800) 862-2923. The books cost $6.50.
Over the years, a few people have briefly mentioned their experience with this cleansing fast. All felt some weakness but better having completed 10-11 days.
Another good book I just read is "The Edgar Cayce Products Thirty Five years of Research" ($3.00) which gives people's first hand accounts of experience using The Heritage Store's formulas based on the Cayce readings. For anyone, especially guys who are experiencing unwanted hair loss, there is a recommended treatment but it needs to be followed for a year for best results. The first two weeks in September is the Heritage's Anniversary Sale with a lot of buy 2 get 1 free - a good time to stock up not only on Cayce products but other holistic remedies as well.
"The Cayce Remedies" gives more information along the same lines. I browsed through it & it looked good but have not read this book.
I tried a water-only fast but stopped after 2 days due to feeling too weak and ill. Later I wondered about the effect on my electrolytes. Here's another person's approach and experience with a 3 day fast: http://spartanstudent.blogspot.com/2010_...chive.html .
Maybe something in this post will resonate with someone. I feel such gratitude for everyone's sharing and caring here.
Peace out