12-05-2015, 05:10 PM
(12-05-2015, 12:53 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: I guess the most important thing depends on the moment.
But doesn't Ra say that to be in the moment, and present, is the most important thing we can be doing?
Should it be our goal to seek the Creator in every moment?
So the best way to spend our time is to be fully present.
I think thinking about the future takes that away.
Are we always approaching Creator, or do we sometimes take steps back?
I think the most important, and most productive, usage of time is following your highest bliss. Whether you find that bliss in service to others, or in service to self, or somewhere in the middle.
You have all eternity to figure things out, and there is no rush. The prize is not found at the end, but in honest moments of true self knowledge. Life can seem hard, but in time you will appreciate those moments of self discovery and understanding more than anything else.
We incarnated because we wanted challenges. Just try to grow a little bit each day. Gradual change is often the most powerful, because it is the most stable. You are not competing against anyone, spiritually, except for yourself. All is well.