03-30-2009, 10:55 AM
(03-30-2009, 01:09 AM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Uh oh, I know nothing about football...!
(03-30-2009, 08:25 AM)3D Sunset Wrote: I presume that we'll run into the same problem if we choose a different sport.... So are there any suggestions that are independent of sports as well? ...What I'm looking for is a means of seeing some of the relationships of the roles of the Major Arcana, before we dive into the more arcane, if you will, aspects of the Arcana.
I'll ponder this a little more as well. Send in any ideas you all have.
3D Sunset
Given that a regular deck of a 52 deck of playing cards was in fact derived from the Tarot, perhaps it might be apropos to remain somewhat grounded to cards and same, while yet being divergent, say within a card game. Cards are almost Universal to all peoples. Perhaps different players, say poker, might represent the Archetypes? Or perhaps the cards themselves, as originally an outgrowth of the Tarot, might work better, as in staying true to the cards, thus using the positions of the court, but as in politic/power/STO-STS, with the the King, Queen, Jack (Prince), etc serving as the representative body, and to which almost all, once again, may be able to Universally identify with, perhaps still within a game, as in the poker e.g., or totally outside of a game?
Dunno. Woud need some thought and playing with the idea to come up with a solution of sorts...
Being the entrepreneur/investor I have taken the role of in this life, it occurs to me, with tongue only slightly inserted in cheek, as in one foot in the joke and one foot out, we might patent it, put it on the market, and donate it to the L/L.
"Poker and the Game of Life", or "The Path of Poker" ...stop me...I could go on...
Just playing with your idea,