11-15-2015, 01:27 AM
(11-14-2015, 02:59 PM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Yeah, I can accept that.
I've a myriad of questions but I wish to gloss over them. With sparkles.
I once thought that might have been the OIC. Waking up to endless solitude, darkness, chaos, or disorder. But now I think its unlikely the OIC can be 'alone' as it might just 'be', an endless observation of experience constructed and defined by itself in the end of it all that starts with awakening and ends with total control over all space/time and time/space basically constructing itself then repeating thusly to enjoy and experience.
But at the end of it all... Where did everything else come from, if this isn't the Eternal Kingdom? Did we come from nothing to become something? Are we something that is experiencing nothingness? Are we all playing along and just trying to direct a good interesting life endlessly from a much higher finer viewpoint?
Why does OIC do what It does? What's the story?
I don't see how anything could logically evolve from nothing. There is no room in nothing for anything to interact or for anything to happen. If there was nothing, there would always be nothing.
If there was always something, then there will always be something. I think awareness is the something that has always existed, and it is everything. And that everything can choose to narrow its focus so that it appears like some things exist and rest of it does not. But when it is done doing that everything dissolves back into the all seeing eye again, or everythingness. We, in our ignorance, often confuse that dissolution as spiritual evolution. It is really semantics though. One state of consciousness is relative, the other is absolute. The only difference is the relative is dependent on the absolute for existence.
So from that perspective the only things that begin and end are limitations. Everything else always exists outside of time as we know it (because time is another structured limitation).
As for why it creates or focuses the limitations into being (albeit temporarily), I think it does it because creation is its very nature. Why? Self actualization. To know yourself, you have to express yourself. Like an artist with a canvas. The expressions allow the formless to see a specific reflection of itself in form. The unquantifiable is attempting to quantify itself. To know itself. To define itself. Ultimately it cannot fully do this, because it has infinite substance. So perhaps what we call creation, or the desire to create, is like a cosmic itch that can never be fully scratched. The impersonal and formless absolute is forever seeking to fully express or know itself, but cannot, because it is infinite, and thus it goes on forever creating because of this innate creative dilemma.
The eye can never actually look at itself, only the reflection of itself in the mirror.