11-05-2015, 03:13 PM
Free will is so questionable when there already exist a ultimate form to get to, looks like free will is just an illusion, part of the illusion only to accelerate spiritual evolution and to get to know infinity.
There is only the One Infinite Creator and it just serves itself. Service to others is also only an illusion of many-ness, focused points experiencing the illusion of free will but really there is only One.
Then you have the spiritual path, full of synchronicities, premonitions, remembering past lives and the karma brought with it, where's the free will in knowing.
Being awake and bound to an illusion is so confusing, so many paradoxes.
I wish it was simple as All is One, Love Light the One Infinite Creator.
There is only the One Infinite Creator and it just serves itself. Service to others is also only an illusion of many-ness, focused points experiencing the illusion of free will but really there is only One.
Then you have the spiritual path, full of synchronicities, premonitions, remembering past lives and the karma brought with it, where's the free will in knowing.
Being awake and bound to an illusion is so confusing, so many paradoxes.
I wish it was simple as All is One, Love Light the One Infinite Creator.