(10-24-2015, 06:18 AM)The_Tired_Philosopher Wrote: Does that mean the universe is literally alive and just playing along with us as if we're children who can't be shown the bigger picture yet...oooorrrr...??
What does it do when no one is looking...?
The irony in all of this is how they're discovering it to try and learn to control it.
Good luck Humans.....
Everything is alive. Nothing is mechanical. Even in our bodies, the things we call "automatic functions" are carried out by our Unconscious Awareness. (The Unconscious Awareness is only unconscious to our conscious minds, i.e., it's in our unconscious. But in itself, it's as awake and conscious as we are). It is the secret of healing - since it controls all our body functions, it can heal us. It needs two things to do so: 1) a request or permission from us, and 2) an energy source.