(10-19-2015, 02:07 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: What if there are planes such as the astral, mental, emotional, causal, and buddhic among others,
instead of there being densities?
I see other schools of thought and they generally favor different planes of existence rather than other dimensions/densities.
There are both from my perspective.
The difference between a plane and a density is simply this: your density level is simply whatever plane of energy you have identified with and are looking at the rest of the rays from. Every density exists in all the rays, but every density has a "dominant ray", which is the ultimate "true color" of that density.
So, for example, since you are 3rd density, or yellow ray, you will see the rest of the rays from that yellow ray perspective. It colors all your interpretations. The "natural ray" that the consciousness of a 3rd density being gravitates to, is the 3rd subdensity, of the yellow ray density. This is the middle astral plane of intelligence. The middle astral is populated by your average joe human beings. That is not to say they can't visit higher planes or lower planes, but that is simply where they feel most comfortable, given their patterns of consciousness.
So when you look at the physical world (i.e. red ray), you do not see "pure red ray", or pure physical, but rather, you see "3rd density physical", because you are seeing red from the vantage of yellow. You interpret everything, including matter, in a 3rd density way. We can't help but do it, since we identify as 3rd density beings.