(09-18-2015, 12:44 PM)IndigoGeminiWolf Wrote: Are all desires out of ego?
Do we still have ego when we pass on?
I heard in an audio book that in the afterlife we get the form we desire, if it isn't out of ego.
If the desired form is not out of ego, it is granted.
I don't know if my strong desire to be anthro is out of ego or not.
It feels more like a fulfillment.
Egos are like layers of an onion. You have egos within egos within egos. Shortly after death your outer ego is shed, but you have your inbetween lives ego that keeps going, and retains some of the aspects of the physical life ego.
An ego is basically a circumscribed area of consciousness, an identity.
All desires emanate from ego because you only desire things that you have identified as apart from you. If you didn't you see yourself of separate, desire would be impossible.