Hello Gary and all,
Thank you for raising the awareness of this topic. I feel less worried about this than others here I suspect, but having said that I also wanted to express my respect towards the caution the mods and others here are using.
I would see this at least in part as more of an opportunity rather than something possibly deleterious. Consider the light seeking, STO natured beings that we are. I suspect that were negative / fear based material to land here, we would have a great chance to show our polarity by neutralizing, at least in some small way, the fear. This could be seen as a great service to those experiencing the fear. I do not see this as being a light-crusader so to speak as we are not actively going out to STS oriented forums and preaching the good word as it were. We would simply be positing our STO oriented ideas on our STO oriented forum.
Also I sort of see this as an opportunity for tempering the personality. Remember the biodome experiment in the mid 1990's known as Biosphere 2? The idea was to run an experiment whereby a few people would enter a completely sealed glass enclosure of massive scale, complete with a variety of second density life forms. The goal was to see if it would be a self-sustaining environment in which to live. One of the unexpected results was with the trees grew up to be incredibly weak as there was no natural wind force to challenge them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosphere_2
I do of course hear, and hear well, the wisdom of those who fear that negatively influenced material may pollute the forum in an irreversible way. (STS overcoming STO). But with some key safeguards in place- namely that everything be discussed in the context of TLOO, I do not think this will happen.
For me, it's the later. I've seen examples of negative attitudes here and I've seen fellow forum members walk effortlessly around it in a loving way, neutralizing it's effects completely. With this example in mind, I think we can discuss anything however fearful and remain in tact. This might seem like a pointless thing to do when you can just rule out the fearful content altogether, but again it's the possibility of fear reversal that I think would make it worthwhile. And the other benefit is more learnings of The Law of One.
We could use this Hidden Hand character as a good example. I see threads come and go about him/her, and it can't be argued that many have joined us here becomes of the information. What greater opportunity do we have to negate the fear based elements of HH's dialog than with full discussion here, in the light?
I would absolutely welcome all channeled and non-channeled material as long as it is submitted in the context of further understanding with The Law of One. With that as requirement, I don't see how very many threads about future calamities and other dis-empowering things can go on for very long. If something has no possible relevance to the LOO philosophy, it should probably not be discussed on our LOO forum.
Also remember that transient information can be a powerful attractor. Note that Don initially was fascinated with UFOs, and look where that lead. What session was it where Ra confirmed that UFOs were a form of advertising?
As long as the discussion is carried forward with the spirit of mutual respect, and with the spirit of further understanding with The Law of One. I may be deluding myself, but I feel intuitively that The Law of One has a powerful resonance and potential to bring people in to the Love and Light that Ra so frequently spoke about. In other words- I suspect greatly that the philosophy of humanoid dinosaurs as compared to the philosophy Ra communicated will pale, and a service be given to those who fear the former. Again, not acting as "agents of the One" or "soldiers for Jesus", or some other sort of Jehovah's witness type approach, but more as being the lighthouse to which others can come to if they desire.
All the same, I am a new seeker in this incarnation, and I have no direct experience in the pollution of forums as I know Carla experienced (in the first LOO forum), so I perhaps am not the most qualified speaker on this topic. I realize also that my statements are those of an idealist, and so it is. But I did feel compelled to share my perspective, for what it's worth. Regardless of outcome, I shall remain here with you all.
L&L, ~L
Thank you for raising the awareness of this topic. I feel less worried about this than others here I suspect, but having said that I also wanted to express my respect towards the caution the mods and others here are using.
(08-28-2010, 07:51 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: 1) When mixed or negative material begins making its entrance into our forums, what possible consequences can you foresee in terms of our tuning?
I would see this at least in part as more of an opportunity rather than something possibly deleterious. Consider the light seeking, STO natured beings that we are. I suspect that were negative / fear based material to land here, we would have a great chance to show our polarity by neutralizing, at least in some small way, the fear. This could be seen as a great service to those experiencing the fear. I do not see this as being a light-crusader so to speak as we are not actively going out to STS oriented forums and preaching the good word as it were. We would simply be positing our STO oriented ideas on our STO oriented forum.
Also I sort of see this as an opportunity for tempering the personality. Remember the biodome experiment in the mid 1990's known as Biosphere 2? The idea was to run an experiment whereby a few people would enter a completely sealed glass enclosure of massive scale, complete with a variety of second density life forms. The goal was to see if it would be a self-sustaining environment in which to live. One of the unexpected results was with the trees grew up to be incredibly weak as there was no natural wind force to challenge them. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biosphere_2
I do of course hear, and hear well, the wisdom of those who fear that negatively influenced material may pollute the forum in an irreversible way. (STS overcoming STO). But with some key safeguards in place- namely that everything be discussed in the context of TLOO, I do not think this will happen.
(08-28-2010, 07:51 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: 3) What matters more: the content of discussion or the manner in which it is being discussed?
For me, it's the later. I've seen examples of negative attitudes here and I've seen fellow forum members walk effortlessly around it in a loving way, neutralizing it's effects completely. With this example in mind, I think we can discuss anything however fearful and remain in tact. This might seem like a pointless thing to do when you can just rule out the fearful content altogether, but again it's the possibility of fear reversal that I think would make it worthwhile. And the other benefit is more learnings of The Law of One.
We could use this Hidden Hand character as a good example. I see threads come and go about him/her, and it can't be argued that many have joined us here becomes of the information. What greater opportunity do we have to negate the fear based elements of HH's dialog than with full discussion here, in the light?
(08-28-2010, 07:51 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: 4) What place will material that is not focused on eternal spiritual principles but rather on the transient or on the disempowering or on that which generates fear and paranoia or on the future calamity or on other temporal matters of non-enduring significance have in our forums? Do you wish to draw a line somewhere in the sand or would you rather welcome the entire spectrum of other channeled sources of material?
I would absolutely welcome all channeled and non-channeled material as long as it is submitted in the context of further understanding with The Law of One. With that as requirement, I don't see how very many threads about future calamities and other dis-empowering things can go on for very long. If something has no possible relevance to the LOO philosophy, it should probably not be discussed on our LOO forum.
Also remember that transient information can be a powerful attractor. Note that Don initially was fascinated with UFOs, and look where that lead. What session was it where Ra confirmed that UFOs were a form of advertising?
(08-28-2010, 07:51 PM)Bring4th_GLB Wrote: 5) More specifically, is it acceptable to dedicate threads to analyzing philosophy concerned with baby-eating reptile-humanoids (an analysis which would happen through the lens of the Law of One) as long as the discussion is carried forward with the spirit of mutual respect so prevalent on the forums?
As long as the discussion is carried forward with the spirit of mutual respect, and with the spirit of further understanding with The Law of One. I may be deluding myself, but I feel intuitively that The Law of One has a powerful resonance and potential to bring people in to the Love and Light that Ra so frequently spoke about. In other words- I suspect greatly that the philosophy of humanoid dinosaurs as compared to the philosophy Ra communicated will pale, and a service be given to those who fear the former. Again, not acting as "agents of the One" or "soldiers for Jesus", or some other sort of Jehovah's witness type approach, but more as being the lighthouse to which others can come to if they desire.
All the same, I am a new seeker in this incarnation, and I have no direct experience in the pollution of forums as I know Carla experienced (in the first LOO forum), so I perhaps am not the most qualified speaker on this topic. I realize also that my statements are those of an idealist, and so it is. But I did feel compelled to share my perspective, for what it's worth. Regardless of outcome, I shall remain here with you all.
L&L, ~L