08-28-2010, 05:34 AM
(03-15-2010, 04:44 AM)Turtle Wrote: You are talking about undoing YEARS of conditioning/programming to believe in nothing but the mind and it's scientific analyses. This is no small feat. If it took most people about say oh, 6 years of life to be conditioned a certain way, imagine taking 6 years to UNDO that. Sure, some of us undo our programming in much shorter time, but we are not all "wired" the same. It can be a tricky thing (and very difficult) to quiet the mind and follow the heart on a consistent basis. I personally feel I have undone most of the conditioning in a matter of 3 years or so, but that was aided by OBE's, lucid dreams, and the always powerful LOO material.
Just curious, did you get your name from this guy?