07-08-2015, 06:09 PM
Empathy is the capacity to understand what others are trying to say, and how they may be experiencing (emotionally). It's an emotive function + conceptual comprehension (in psychology this is how it's usually understood). An empathic conjecture would be when a person is able to pick up what the other self is saying and feeling then be able to put it out into words to describe it. It means the person is able to mirror the overall experience of the other self within themselves, though the actual experience may not be 100% congruent. We have mirror neurons that fire in our body complex that physically demonstrates this empathic ability to be in tune with other self. It's a very lovely moment of connection to be understood.
The etymology of compassion is Con-Passion - with passion or suffering with. You feel strongly for the other and the experience of the other. We show compassion using empathy and act of support... You can also exercise compassionate subjugation - if someone were violent, you try to contain that person with respect and deep care for other.
So empathy I see as understanding other and compassion is your response to others.
The etymology of compassion is Con-Passion - with passion or suffering with. You feel strongly for the other and the experience of the other. We show compassion using empathy and act of support... You can also exercise compassionate subjugation - if someone were violent, you try to contain that person with respect and deep care for other.
So empathy I see as understanding other and compassion is your response to others.