07-03-2015, 04:00 PM
third-density-being Wrote:RA used logical disjunction or. That would suggest, that name Faith for an Archetype presenting Qualities/Attributes/Movement/Processes of the Catalyst of the Spirit, is of Service-to-Others Polarization/Nature. For Service-to-Self Beings, Arcanum No. 17 is called The Will.
Be careful with this kind of interpretation. The quotation you reference is a contentious one because it is literally the only place in the Ra Material where Ra uses "or" between "faith" and "will" rather than "and." It is also worth noting that Ra's typical treatments of these two concepts is that will is as a mental phenomenon, whereas faith is a spiritual phenomenon. Consider, for example, that Ra identifies the concept of will as being central to the Matrix of the Mind in particular.
That said, I appreciate your original approach to this troublesome quotation.