06-26-2015, 07:20 AM
Thank you for your suggestions. I have considered many things, including what you suggest. I don't wish to participate in a debate on what the best way going about this, but I'll list a few reasons why I have not taken the path you suggest. For one, the modding community (and those who play mods) is not nearly as large as the gaming community in general, and my hope is to ignite the spark of seeking in as many people as possible. Also, the advantage of releasing content early in the lifecycle of the device )as opposed to waiting for someone else to release a game that I can mod) is that there will be very little market saturation, increasing the likelihood of the larger community being exposed to a game made by a very small company. I would also have to create the mod in my spare time while working a full time job, as opposed to working full time developing with the help of three other people. I have also considered pitching ideas to established developers, and have already met with one. Without going into detail... the meeting was unsuccessful. Most if not all game developers/companies care about one thing: money. So they model games after what has worked and sold well in the past. They certainly aren't concerned with the well-being of the people playing their games or about teaching wisdom and maturity. I could write on and on and pontificate like a pompous idiot. I'd rather not. I'm just asking for your trust, well I suppose I'm asking for your money too, haha; but not much of it. If you think my plan is a horrible idea and is doomed to fail you may very well be right. Still, I'd prefer not to adopt a self-defeating attitude. So I stay hopeful that I might be able to give people another glimpse of the light. I won't know until I try. My only question is: will you help me?