08-24-2010, 12:34 PM
(08-24-2010, 12:17 AM)Lavazza Wrote: I had a chance to print out and read this thread over the course of a few weeks at my slow poke pace. Very interesting subjects raised here... and I'm glad to have the opportunity to pop a few of my own questions in.
Welcome, my friend. And thank you for reviving the thread.
(08-24-2010, 12:17 AM)Lavazza Wrote: Are you speaking about the so called 'twin' paradox? If so or even if not, could you please elaborate here?
Indeed. The problem with the twin paradox is that it states that at speeds approaching that of light, there is a preferred reference frame which is due to its velocity. This, however, is fundamentally disallowed by general relativity which indicates that there is no way of distinguishing between two reference frames due to their relative velocity. I must confess, that I have forgotten how RST resolved the paradox exactly, but it was related to the fact that our base velocity is at unity, which is the speed of light, not at zero. In general relativity, the discontinuity occurs due to a division by zero that does not occur in RST. I beg your indulgence for some time to reconstruct the discussion by Dewey, and I will post more in the future.
(08-24-2010, 12:17 AM)Lavazza Wrote: But you can move in three directions of time. I presume this is past, present, and future... Although "moving in the present" doesn't make much sense. (this whole view breaks down quite easily, may I add).
In some detail, in the thread referenced below, I delved into what the three dimensions of time may represent. The problem I have with past/present/future is that these really represent points of linear time flow, and hence are an artifact of our 3D s/t perceptions. What I stumbled on was a way of considering time as experience, and just as we locate objects in space using x,y,z locations, I suggested our locating objects in time using the last three letters of the Greek alphabet: chi, psi and omega (note: I originally like phi, chi and psi, but later concluded that omega was a better choice than phi). What I find most interesting about this approach is that the way we perceive time in 3D is very much a function of what/how we are focusing our attention, or said another way, on what we are experiencing. If you will indulge me for a few moments, I would love to elaborate:
Consider first how time seems to slow down when we are in a car accident (or when we witness anything significant in our lives). During these few seconds, our attention is so focused on the experience we are having, that we are able to distinguish and observe minute events (the individual glimmers of light of each tiny shard of broken glass, the moving waves of the impact rolling up the car's hood, the coffee cup, spilling its contents in a beautiful spiral as it flies across the dashboard). And those events, which take less than 3 seconds "in reality", take up the equivalent space of several minutes in our mind. I call this aspect of time chi, which conjures up the Asian body / life force balancing practice of Tai Chi. I consider chi the experience of the body as it relates to the outer world.
My next proposed dimension of experience is what I call psi. In popular culture psi is associated with extrasensory perceptions and actions. Psi would represent the experience of the body as it relates to the inner world, or the root of the mind/subconscious. I think that this aspect of experience is closely related to magic and to adeptness. By focusing our attention on this axis of experience (aka time), we are honing our psychic abilities. Through Psi space is compressed, or time elongated, to allow action at a distance and instantaneous communication. By this axis of time we are able to attach and use our societal memory complex as it is evolving into our 4D social memory complex.
Finally, we have omega. To me, omega represents the experience of the body with the infinite. In science we have the "Omega Point", and in religion we have Jesus stating he is the Alpha and the Omega, and is it a coincidence that Omega is the name of an expensive timepiece? When we meditate, time seems to accelerate and what may have been an hour becomes compressed into a few blissful minutes. Such is a taste of the infinite nature of omega, that we can experience in 3D.
Each moment of our 3D experience then, is the sum of the amount of focus we provide to the experience of our body, our mind and our spirit in that moment. In t/s one can then view any point in linear space based upon our experience of it in these three dimensions. The parallel can also easily be drawn between these axes of time (experience) and cards IV, XI and XVIII of the Major Arcana, where Chi represents the experience of the body, Psi the Experience of the Mind, and Omega the Experience of the Spirit.
There is much more that can be said about this, but I would like to see if any of it resonates with others first. If nothing else, I have found it a useful model for considering my daily experiences.
(08-24-2010, 12:17 AM)Lavazza Wrote: Could you point me towards this thread? I have looked for it in vain, maybe it has a title I didn't expect.
Gladly, my friend. The Thread is called "Considerations of s/t and t/s".
Love and Light,
3D Sunset