06-05-2015, 06:44 PM
(05-27-2015, 10:30 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote: Continuing a re-read of the material with an angle for creating a study group. Any thoughts or ideas about these things would be very useful! Not looking for objective interpretations or a debate, but rather a range of perspectives that will add to my own understanding. If possible, please use the "View Source" function (the button to the far right on the toolbar) and copy+paste each point into it's own quote tags.
Quote:Occasionally a certain location, place as you may call it, becomes energized to individuality through the love it receives and gives in relationship to a third-density entity which is in relationship to it.
How can a location or place give love?
This question reminds me of a Carpenter work colleague who's favourite hobby is fishing. I asked him about his weekend one Monday morning and he said he was out fishing all day Sunday. I then asked him if he had caught anything big. He replied that he did not get a single bite all day and added "A bad days fishing is better than a good days work". So where did this sense of peace come from? Other folks have expressed their love of living in the countryside as giving them "brain space".
So my interpretation here is that the intelligent energy that pervades through creation in 1st density responds to our appreciation of it. My favourite experience in nature is riding between a row of trees just 5 minutes away from my home. A psychic once said to me "...Fill up with love!". I didn't understand her advise at first but thanks to the LOO, I do now!
How? Well The first distortion facilitates it and my understanding is that our focusing on 1st D locations, in what we perceive to be picturesque or beautiful, is the process of investment.
(05-27-2015, 10:30 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote:Quote:Entities do not become enspirited.
Ra literally just said in the last answer that entities become enspirited. What gives? They do go one to give a more nuanced explanation of the process, but it still seems odd.
What gives for me here Austin is the 3 words prior. In he last answer they say "...shall we say, enspirited." So whenever they say "shall we say" in the conversation are they implying the limits of our language? I think they are.
Quote:There were among those upon this second-density plane those forms which when exposed to third-density vibrations became the third-density, as you would call sound vibration “human,” entities.
That is, there was loss of the body hair, as you call it, the clothing of the body to protect it, the changing of the structure of the neck, jaw, and forehead in order to allow the easier vocalization, and the larger cranial development characteristic of third-density needs. This was a normal transfiguration.
Paleontologists place modern humans closer to coming about around 200,000 years ago. Can these two views be reconciled?
I cant see how, its a big gap. It is quite plausible that Ra have got this wrong because they are, in their words, "...not a part of time". I currently believe that they are quite accurate though because there appears to be a rough congruency with the Mayan calender. Other than that Lloyd Pye provides some insight into this mysterious transition in my opinion. Its a long watch but in the first 10 minutes he sheds a little light in this area. Lloyd Pye
(05-27-2015, 10:30 PM)Bring4th_Austin Wrote:Quote:The root of astrology, as you speak it, is one way of perceiving the primal distortions which may be predicted along probability/possibility lines given the, shall we say, cosmic orientations and configurations at the time of the entrance into the physical/mental complex of the spirit and at the time of the physical/mental/spiritual complex into the illusion.
A big part of modern astrology has to do with determining the personality or the tendencies of an individual’s personality. How is this determination of personality related to the prediction of probability/possibility lines? That concept seems to be more compatible with the idea of divination rather than personality typology.
Also, how is astrology in the sense that Ra speaks about here connected to the study of the archetypal mind through astrology?
The probability/possibility aspect is the trodden path and the potential path respectively. Nothing is determined when everything is free to explore, however, patterns and predictions can generally be made here as to the general choices made during the exploration process.
The major arcana seems to dig a little deeper than astrology. I suggest that because astrology is easier to comprehend so perhaps astrology is pointing towards our solar system roots, while the archetypes expressed in the tarot points towards our galactic roots?