08-11-2010, 04:35 PM
I had a dream once that I was walking in a parking lot and my body just started feeling SO heavy. Then I felt a strong tugging sensation, as if something was trying to pull me up but my feet were rooted to the ground. I looked up in the sky and saw three bright, circular lights, and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Then I sort of just 'let go' and popped out of my body and I was...somewhere else. In the clouds or something. It was all a bit confusing, so I sort of...shifted back a bit and saw buildings coming into focus and realized that it was all real and it was okay...a good thing. If only it HAD been real. I'm one of those people who's kind of wishing something huge and obvious is going to happen in 2012, but somehow I get the feeling it isn't going to be anything that would inspire mass panic...even if it would be fun.