08-11-2010, 11:41 AM
Quote:The Confederation regards Jesus as an example of love, Buddha as an example of wisdom, Lao Tzu and Gandhi as examples of love and wisdom balanced. Who else can you think of, I am interested in your ideas which I will profoundly consider.
are these conclusions from Ra material, or other sources ?
Quote:-Do you have ideas on what kind of experience, spiritual growth can result in meeting members of The Confederation. They say:
We must serve you to the best of our ability. This will include meeting with you when this will result in what you desire. What you desire is that you grow in a spiritual sense, so that you may better serve your fellow man, fulfilling your desire, his desire, and the desire of The Creator. When our meeting with you will increase your spiritual growth and therefore meet your desire, we will desire to meet with you. I hope that I have made this point more clear.
who says this ?
in any case, 'meeting' any entity is not necessary. it seems, time/space, the astral portion of life is more active than the physical. listening to one's inner calling and acting according to that calling and will, would attract the most suitable teach/learner entities. there are no prerequisites - entities need not be incarnate in any level. soul to soul communication.
Quote:Is it common, in third-density, that someone who after being involved in many STS activities and who polarized almost totaly STS turns almost totaly STO once the one discovers The Truth, or realizes the unity and love of all things, of the whole creation, The Creator etc?
doubtful for a newly 3d negative, or 4d negative. though we have been told in Ra material that polarity switches happen.
that should be more probable for an early 6d or late 5d negative entity, or any potential positive entity of similar level that switched to negative polarity for any reason.