08-10-2010, 12:54 PM
(08-10-2010, 11:33 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: Are the stews you make still considered raw? I thought raw was things heated to 160 degrees F or less if I recall correctly.
Though you mentioned not being strict raw, so that could make sense.
Yes, they are totally raw. I learned how to make them here:
(08-10-2010, 11:33 AM)Gemini Wolf Wrote: I'll have to pick up some good raw cookbooks. I'm almost completely moved over to vegetarian. So will give it a little before going fully raw.
Great! Yeah I wouldn't recommend going from meat to raw vegan. That might be a rather drastic change! For me, going raw vegan is something I've wanted to do for a long time, but it will probably never be a strict commitment like being vegetarian is. In other words, I won't ever eat an animal under any circumstances. But if I am raw vegan, I might occasionally eat cooked vegetarian food. I don't feel strongly about being raw vegan for ethical reasons, as I do about being vegetarian. I am pursuing raw vegan for health, vitality and spiritual reasons.