05-10-2015, 12:48 PM
I wanted to update this awakening story of mine with a little bit of a recent experience I had. But first some background.
As I posted in the "Your Mystical Experiences" thread:
... well, one of the things I channeled was the meaning of this event -- finding the rose from my grandmother's coffin in my flower basket.
I am not saying this is definitely true, as this was the one and only time I've channeled, and I could have created/received some false information. But the answer I received surprised me and is interesting enough I want to share it.
So: according to what I channeled, it wasn't so much that my grandmother moved that rose with supernatural powers from beyond the grave, as I had originally thought ... (or at least thought at the most surface level of my ego!)
Instead -- it was my own doing.
The answer I received in my channeling is that this occurrence was a high-level adept ability, i.e. manifesting/altering 3D "reality." It was done (perhaps "granted") by my higher self, to foster open-mindedness and wonder in my young self. Obviously, this event stuck with me for a long time and became key in allowing my awakening to take course.
I find this explanation so interesting, and completely unexpected! It did strike me as strange, how I felt drawn to focus on that rose before the coffin lid was shut. Focusing on it so intensely, almost as if I was charging it, thinking about how it was my last contact with her.
Again: I'm a complete newbie at channeling, so take this with a grain of salt. I haven't tried since then, because the burning sensation in my pec showed me that I need to learn to protect myself if I wish to pursue channeling further.
As I posted in the "Your Mystical Experiences" thread:
Quote:Today I "channeled" for the first time. I put it in quotes because I have no idea how to properly channel. I only meditated for a while beforehand, and then when I was ready, decided to ask myself questions and respond without filtering the information through my ego. So yes, I channeled the 3rd density entity known as outerheaven
Still, it was an interesting practice in relaying information I intuitively know, or at least believe, but somehow block or obscure at some level of consciousness. Gives new perspective to the maxim, "all the answers are within."
Got some interesting information of a mostly personal nature. As the questions progressed and I asked more and more sensitive questions, I almost feared the answers. (Thankfully[?], I didn't receive anything 'bad.') Although I can tell I am not a very "pure" channel at this stage.
Only did this for 10 minutes, but by the end my left pec was burning and itchy. Weird. Probably won't do this again unless I want to actually pursue it seriously and learn to ground myself properly beforehand.
... well, one of the things I channeled was the meaning of this event -- finding the rose from my grandmother's coffin in my flower basket.
I am not saying this is definitely true, as this was the one and only time I've channeled, and I could have created/received some false information. But the answer I received surprised me and is interesting enough I want to share it.
So: according to what I channeled, it wasn't so much that my grandmother moved that rose with supernatural powers from beyond the grave, as I had originally thought ... (or at least thought at the most surface level of my ego!)
Instead -- it was my own doing.
The answer I received in my channeling is that this occurrence was a high-level adept ability, i.e. manifesting/altering 3D "reality." It was done (perhaps "granted") by my higher self, to foster open-mindedness and wonder in my young self. Obviously, this event stuck with me for a long time and became key in allowing my awakening to take course.
I find this explanation so interesting, and completely unexpected! It did strike me as strange, how I felt drawn to focus on that rose before the coffin lid was shut. Focusing on it so intensely, almost as if I was charging it, thinking about how it was my last contact with her.
Again: I'm a complete newbie at channeling, so take this with a grain of salt. I haven't tried since then, because the burning sensation in my pec showed me that I need to learn to protect myself if I wish to pursue channeling further.