08-07-2010, 10:02 AM
(08-07-2010, 09:48 AM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: You have moved the discussion from dreams to current events, Operation Northwoods, and World War II. I am not saying that in space/time we should accept everything negative entities want to offer us. As you point out, that would be foolish.
no, that was just an example. you shouldnt dwell on it. i gave it as an indicator.
Quote:But this thread was about dreams. In dreams, it is appropriate to open the self to the seeming enemy. It is profoundly transformative, and I hope you will try it.
Dreams are such an environment.
in dreams. this, was not a dream. anything that happens while sleeping, is not a dream. time/space existence and activities are not limited to what we call dream.
Quote:I understand this to mean that an individual negative social memory complex will have as much power as an individual positive social memory complex.
for the synergistic result of a whole that is comprised of smaller parts to be greater than something else, it is highly probable that the smaller parts of the initial whole be stronger in individual than the smaller parts of the other whole.
this, explains, why is it so hard for positive people to cope up and make do with negative people of equal character/soul strength.
Quote:Have faith, my friend. "Glory in the strength of your polarization and allow others of opposite polarity to similarly do so, seeing the great humor of this polarity and its complications in view of the unification in sixth-density of these two paths."
unfortunately, some of these issues are not in our hands. the influence of positive and negative, depends on the decision of guardians of this planet. we know that guardians (yahweh when they were guardians for example) can make mistakes, and errors of judgment. that means, it is possible for any guardians of any planet to let the balance of positive and negative go haywire.
but more than that, what will 'faith' accomplish ? what will faith do ?
negative, wants to enslave positive regardless of how it may. who will prevent this from happening ?