04-12-2015, 01:25 PM
(04-12-2015, 12:50 PM)michael430 Wrote: I don't know LL's side of the history between them and Wilcock but obviously his ideas are not a welcome topic in this forum. I don't know why the message resonated with me, but I should have known it would not lead to any understanding discussion here.
yeah, I'm sorry if you perceived any hostility towards the message.
It's a long and complex relationship, and I can only really speak for myself, and with my mod-hat off, and without any official capacity.
it is also slightly off-topic to what you posted, so I'll keep it short; but there have been maybe 5 or 6 big David Wilcock threads over the years that always end up somewhat acrimonious and bitter. In fact, one of the very first threads I read on Bring4th when I joined in Dec 2011 was a David Wilcock thread!
my own history goes as thus: I first found Mr Wilcock via the Google Video site. This was around a few months before youtube went public, and Google Video also didn't have the 10 minute limitation for uploads that youtube had for many many years. So longer form talks and documentaries found a welcome home at Google Video. And free bandwidth! it was a revelation at the time (maybe in 2005-06, almost a decade ago).
David made his name pushing the 2012 meme. A huge dimensional shift.
For many people, who felt disempowered and disgruntled with their lives and the world, this was an easy boat to latch onto. In hindsight, it seems foolish and childish to pin one's hopes on the world ending in one big flash of light, and yet, that was his message, and I was one of the eager listeners.
2012 was David's calling card. But leading to the Obama election in 2008, a different theme started appearing. This was the Disclosure movement. This was the promise of a cleansing of the corruption of world govenments, and the final revelation of ET contact. A collapse of the New World Order and the financial oligarchy. Again, promises about Disclosure were made; these were continually delayed and disappointed.
It was about this stage where I had been doing enough inner work to realise I was being semi-delusional in my hopes. Many years later, in the chatroom here, the term 'hopium' was coined for what David Wilcock was peddling. And I had consumed the 'hopium' quite willingly.
With enough inner work, I could see the orange ray disempowerment issues that were being toyed wtih by David's message. It appealed to the sense that the individual is powerless against a big bad government; and that the world needed to end (read: dimensional shift) for things to get better. The change, and it's happening, was all external, and disconnected from the individual seeker. They were just a hapless bystander, waiting and waiting for positive change.
Others also had this realisation, and became aware of falsely placed hopes. The disappointment triggered a moment of self-reevaluation.
Many who have arrived here at these forums, have came via David's Divine Cosmos site. In a way, much like the Hidden Hand, through a distorted pathway, the clearer understandings that are contained in the Law of One can be arrived at. In that sense, he has done a great service in pointing people to the undeniable and sustainable seeking that is to be found in the Ra Material.
Many who object to David's tactics of appealing to external change have indeed been disillusioned and burnt by wanting to believe in his particular worldview. In my opinion, he is a fame chaser, someone motivated by a yellow ray desire to be well known and an expert to be quoted. The higher ideals of universal love and blue ray integrity are totally absent in his communications in my opinion. I studied what he offered for many years. I started seeing the patterns of manipulative dropping of a bread crumb here, a bread crumb there, never enough to feed a bird. I was a member of his forums for quite some time.
Once a year or so, someone links to his site, and I have a brief glance. I see nothing different. It's the same voluminous, bloated writing style that promises a change that never arrives.
He's done much to alert others to the message of the Ra Material. But if you want integrity, strength of purpose, and a sharply honed comprehensive approach, you are much better off listening to Scott Mandelker's youtube channel. He asks for nothing in return, and is not interested at all in self-aggrandizement.