04-02-2015, 12:16 PM
Everything's a virtual world, one way or another.
But basically, perfect order can't have free will in it. That's one of the fundamental paradoxes of things, as I see it. For true "perfection" to exist, as you're probably thinking of it, there cannot be imperfections. Unstructured or non-aligned thoughts would be among those imperfections.
Absolute order means absolute fascism, basically, one way or the other. Of course, Ra indicates that others have attempted what you're talking about, so it's not like it COULDN'T be done. It just apparently isn't very useful\effective.

Absolute order means absolute fascism, basically, one way or the other. Of course, Ra indicates that others have attempted what you're talking about, so it's not like it COULDN'T be done. It just apparently isn't very useful\effective.