03-29-2015, 12:50 PM
The dream state is just as "real" as the waking state. You aren't simply lying comatose while you dream, your mind, spirit and even a form of your body continue to act and grow. I think once the two worlds are merged upon death, one would have a clearer memory of which activities were actually pursued in the dream state. Generally the images we see in our dreams are symbolic representations the mind creates of deeper concepts, as a sort of attempt to explain the lessons pursued in the dream state to the waking mind. One can train themselves, to an extent, to experience the world behind the symbols while alive, but I would think that after death the "bigger picture" would be much more available.
That being said, I feel there are also actual locations on the astral plane one can visit, and actual beings one can interact with. These interactions are usually distorted by the waking mind in an attempt to make sense of the encounter. To be able to observe such things from a wider context would be fascinating.
That being said, I feel there are also actual locations on the astral plane one can visit, and actual beings one can interact with. These interactions are usually distorted by the waking mind in an attempt to make sense of the encounter. To be able to observe such things from a wider context would be fascinating.