02-28-2015, 01:20 AM
(02-27-2015, 11:34 PM)indolering Wrote: .
That's some outlandish s***, man. Makes you wonder what it was about the Raj which attracted some hard-core misfits to his inner circle. To be fair, it seems there are a fair percentage of Indian teachers who have garnered less than admirable reputations due to a variety of transgressions. But surely, the few you attribute to the Rajneeshees (I've not confirmed your allegations but I assume you have it on documented authority) stand out as the most extreme criminal behavior of the lot.
I can only say that, when searching for a teacher of the spiritual life, examine all you can about his qualifications and his character before placing your trust in him. This is not to say that Rajneesh ordered or even knew about everything going on - I don't know and I don't care. Again, do the research and listen to your intuition.
Welcome to the forum, Sheldor.
thankyou indolering... not sure how much I'll interact here.. I'm seeing a fair bit of aggressive ego... even bullying in some posts...
did you go to the link?.... it's all verified... and there are many many sources/people to verify the negativity, lies, illusions:
I look forward to your thoughts if you have time to read the information at these links...
- there are so many authentic articles available....