02-27-2015, 10:41 PM
(02-25-2015, 08:59 PM)indolering Wrote: I find Osho rather derivative, and sometimes confusing or even misleading, only occasionally using original metaphors or insights. I'm somewhat biased, I admit, having been through a cult of personality with another teacher from India, a myopic obsession I now sincerely regret. I learned some things, true enough - but I feel my progress was severely hampered by this relationship which lasted for far longer than I care to remember.
As I stated in another thread, I believe the guru/chela relationship can be wholly positive, leading the disciple to the sacred temple in the heart where the Creator can be known. But the guru must be a realized soul himself before he can assume the service of spiritual master. If one has not attained to the highest realm of spiritual light, he may teach students in various disciplines but he is not authorized (realized) to profess the ability to offer the supreme vision of the Creator; this special service is reserved for those who are traditionally known as a Satguru. To be sure, there are many impostors around, but it's my conclusion that the Creator has decreed that at least one Satguru be alive on Earth at all times should there be a need for such a one.
Many people, it seems, find fulfillment in teachers like Osho which is fine - I can think of worse role models. Generally speaking, the relationship is limited and temporary because the soul always yearns to reunite with its Source.
Osho seems like an ok guy, despite the negative, criminal behavior emanating from within the hierarchy. Personally, there are a few with whom I resonate...Yogananda, Ramakrishna, Guru Nanak, Kabir, Alan Watts, a few others....
"(followers) executed the largest biological terrorism attack in U.S. history, poisoning at least 700 people. They ran the largest illegal wiretapping operation ever uncovered. And their immigration fraud to harbor foreigners remains unrivaled in scope. The revelations brought criminal charges, defections, global manhunts and prison time.
But there was much more...."
"...marked Oregon's chief federal prosecutor for murder....the Rajneeshees also stalked the state attorney general, lining him up for death."
"They contaminated salad bars at numerous restaurants....The Oregonian's examination reveals for the first time that they just as eagerly spread dangerous bacteria at a grocery store, a public building and a political rally."
"To strike at government authority, Rajneeshee leaders considered flying a bomb-laden plane into the county courthouse in The Dalles "
"And power struggles within Rajneeshee leadership spawned plans to murder even some of their own. The guru's caretaker was to be killed in her bed, spared only by a simple mistake."