02-26-2015, 07:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2015, 07:40 PM by DoRaRo.
Edit Reason: typo
(02-26-2015, 04:57 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: greetings to you in Scotland!
(02-26-2015, 04:38 PM)DoRaRo Wrote: My experience with the lovingly graceful Ra Materials has only just begun in the sense of reading the works, but have found them to deeply resonate with my particular experiences and understandings within this life narrative, and I can say wholeheartedly, even in this brief exposure, have provided great help and assistance in my comprehending, joining-of-the-dots and further explorations of the Law of One.
so what chain of events led you to the Ra Material? was it the Hidden Hand dialogue? or some other link?
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(02-26-2015, 04:38 PM)DoRaRo Wrote: P.S. A mantra has begun to unfold over the past day or two that I've found to be very helpful, could anyone recommend a suitable place within the forum to make a post about it, please?
the Olio forum would be perfect for that.
although it could easily go in Life on Planet Earth. The two have a lot of overlap, but Olio would be my pick.
Thanks bring4th_plenum, and apologies for not quoting properly, I'm typing on a phone, so it's a little awkward to navigate!
In answer to your question, yes, in the short term, it was really a combination of the hidden hand dialogue and Edgar Cayce's writings, although I had downloaded some of the Ra books about 8 years ago or so, but I don't really recall doing much more than reading a few bits here and there.
Beyond that I'd say two significant mystical experiences helped bring me to the Law of One books, although I'm probably a bit too new to the materials to translate them accurately in the terms outlined in the writings, but I'll give it a go in my own way.
The first was when I was 15 and I'm just coming up to my 31st birthday, so about 15 and half years ago, give or take! I remember one day, having reached a point of shall we say existenial frustration, asking "Is this all I am!?", tapping my head with exasperation and wondering if all we are is a brain in a container, which was followed by another question, I.e. well who are you expecting to answer anyway. So I sat down to read a book, funnily enough, in a room I'd never sat in before and no one else really used much at all.
After reading for a few minutes, I dropped into deep meditative state, and perhaps looking back on my childhood, I almost had to learn not to do do this all the time. From this the visual screen seemed to pop, so to speak, as 3d reality disappeared behind and I travelled into a voidlike space where many symbols appeared and disappeared, then beyond this was the revealing of a brilliant white that is infinite, then it was I merged with this infinite light and disappeared altogether as a 'separate' entity into Love itself beyond even this infinite light, which is also Love itself.
With a clicking of the fingers I was back in the chair, and thought "Wow, it's all Love, a game of Love where you simply Love everything! I've got to tell the whole world!" At which point the veil dropped and I promptly forgot

The second experience was about 4 and a half years ago and in many ways deeper still, so if you don't mind perhaps I'd be better off reading more of the writings before attempting to articulate it!
As for the mantra, thanks, I'll write something up over the next few days most likely and post it in there.
Namaste to All