02-17-2015, 04:28 PM
Quote:Ok, fair enough. Any statement can be taken literally and become part of a dogma. One of the examples you gave - Embrace your darkness could - be construed as Evil is ok...embrace your urges to go on a murderous rampage in the mind of one so inclined.
Embrace means to accept, derived from the Latin 'acquiēscere' (to find rest in).
The statement encourages one to integrate the dark aspects of ones beingness in order to become 'whole'.
It is by no stretch of the imagination a call to negative action as you suggest.
Quote:Is it the words that carry the emotional charge, or does the emotional charge come from within the person?
The emotional charge comes from the meme or collective thought form.
You tap into this when writing words. The words are stepped down from the thought form, a 3rd density representation.
When you construct a sentence it's the combination of words that relays the emotion.
Quote:Case in point: People say they have a problem with my sig because it's 'dogmatic' and 'telling them what to do' yet you can see from my Eating Tomatoes is STS thread, the exact same sig, but just with the word tomatoes instead of meat, carries no emotional charge whatsoever.
Why do you suppose that is? Why is no one concerned about abstaining from tomatoes being made into a religious dogma?
Religion has forbidden meat eating for millenia already. There is considerable spiritual mass involved.