(02-16-2015, 07:58 AM)Folk-love Wrote: How can you develop a peaceful, prosperous and healthy society without some sort of moral compass or understanding of right and wrong? I don't think that it is possible.
I agree. Ra did indeed give us a moral compass.
But apparently, many people here at B4 prefer to focus on what Ra said about Oneness, no duality in the higher densities, reality as an illusion, etc. while ignoring what Ra said about answering the call of those crying out for help, the density of Choice, polarizing STS vs STO, and the characteristics of STO being service to others.
They're also choosing to focus on emulating Carla's dietary choices, while ignoring the many times she has stated that she doesn't wish to be a guru, and ignoring what she has also said about right and wrong. If they're going to emulate everything Carla does, then why are they leaving out the 'right and wrong' parts?
Furthermore, they're choosing to focus on what Ra said about Carla's particular dietary choices, given her particular situation, while ignoring what Ra said about the ideal diet for humans in general, which was plant foods and 'animal products only to the extent necessary for individual metabolism.'
In addition, they're choosing to focus on what Ra said about what Wanderers can accomplish in their Earthly sojourn for their own continued learning, while ignoring that learn is always learn/teach and ignoring that they might also have wished to actually be of service to others.
And, they clearly see answering the call of those in need as either unimportant, insignificant, or even STS, while making an effort to alert other self-professed Wanderers to the plight of those calling, is viewed as imposing, forcing, pushing, rude, venomous, controlling, and even STS, not to mention unnecessary since we aren't supposed to answer their call at all, and further, it is even worse than actually murdering someone, which no one is willing to label as STS, while being quick to label answering the call of the victims as STS.
So...I think I've got it straight now. Trying to answer the call of those in need is worse than killing them. Got it.
I thought that this thread had veered off course, but it turns out that it's entirely on-topic after all. I see a budding doctrine beginning to emerge...one in which the concepts of good/evil (as described by Ra as STO/STS) are thrown out the window, in favor of a touchy-feely, no-holds-barred, anything goes, don't ever try to help anyone, and cherry-pick Ra quotes while ignoring others philosophy.
(This will surely be a popular religion, being that its purpose is to keep the veil in place. I wonder which 3D planet will keep its veil intact?)
Next for discussion: What shall we call our new church? I suggest The Latter 3D Church of Selected Teachings of Ra. It has a nice ring to it, dontcha think?