(02-13-2015, 09:09 PM)Diana Wrote: I suppose Jim, and Carla, (and Don), by throwing themselves out to the public, accepted the responsibility of possibly inciting adulation of some sort. But I wouldn't wish it on them. It's not just about being unproductive for the follower.
Carla has told me several times on the radio show that she didn't want to be anyone's guru. I have always admired this about her. You are right though, that sharing personal details about her life has sort of put her in the spotlight. I don't think that was her intention though. If anything, I think she wants everyone to know that she's just a regular person and to NOT put her on a pedestal!
After 3 years of interviewing Carla every week, I was always impressed by how humble she was. This is one of the reasons I cringe whenever I see people putting her in that position. By working with her so closely for 3 years, I developed a strong love for her as a person, not just as the channeler of the Law of One. So yes, it does bother me when I see people do the exact opposite of what she wanted. I guess I feel protective of her.